I am writing in response to your proposal and iDUZA LITERA would like to thank you.
Cooking is my passion and I am interested CZEGOS BRAK your offer lead<--CO TO ZNACZY TO SLOWO? the culinary section. I would like to know how high
will be my salary WILL BE. I would like to point out thaT I have experience and my blog is known and loved so your newspaper would become more popular. I though<--ORTOGRAF about my first article and I think that is<--ZLE SLOWO should be something special. In my opinion every reader should find something that inerested<--TUTAJ DAJ CZAS TERAZNIEJSZY, A NIE PRZESZLYhim. The best topic will be cuisine in the world. PRZEDIMEKReader will find there recipes for the most famous dishes from every kind of kitchen<--TRANSLATOR? and valuable comments. Additionally, I can obtain a sponsor to oranize a competition for the best photos in the kitchen. It is PRZEDIMEKgood way to gain more readers. I hope my ideas are good enaugh<--ORTOGRAF and you still would like to hire me. How much time BRAK SLOWA i<-- DUZA LITERAhave to prepare articles? Who will be my supervisor and will be get<--BYĆ DOSTAWAĆ my articles?
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.