List formalny- odpowiedź na ogłoszenie o prace

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jest to odpowiedź na ofertę pracy w gazecie jako prowadzący sekcji kulinarnej.

Dear Madam,

I am writing in response to your proposal and i would like to thank you.
Cooking is my passion and I am interested your offer lead the culinary section. I would like to know how high will be my salary. I would like to point out tha I have experience and my blog is known and loved so your newspaper would become more popular. I though about my first article and I think that is should be something special. In my opinion every reader should find something that inerested him. The best topic will be cuisine in the world. Reader will find there recipes for the most famous dishes from every kind of kitchen and valuable comments. Additionally, I can obtain a sponsor to oranize a competition for the best photos in the kitchen. It is good way to gain more readers. I hope my ideas are good enaugh and you still would like to hire me. How much time i have to prepare articles? Who will be my supervisor and will be get my articles?
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.

Your sincerely,
Mia Read
I am writing in response to your proposal and iDUZA LITERA would like to thank you.
Cooking is my passion and I am interested CZEGOS BRAK your offer lead<--CO TO ZNACZY TO SLOWO? the culinary section. I would like to know how high will be my salary WILL BE. I would like to point out thaT I have experience and my blog is known and loved so your newspaper would become more popular. I though<--ORTOGRAF about my first article and I think that is<--ZLE SLOWO should be something special. In my opinion every reader should find something that inerested<--TUTAJ DAJ CZAS TERAZNIEJSZY, A NIE PRZESZLYhim. The best topic will be cuisine in the world. PRZEDIMEKReader will find there recipes for the most famous dishes from every kind of kitchen<--TRANSLATOR? and valuable comments. Additionally, I can obtain a sponsor to oranize a competition for the best photos in the kitchen. It is PRZEDIMEKgood way to gain more readers. I hope my ideas are good enaugh<--ORTOGRAF and you still would like to hire me. How much time BRAK SLOWA i<-- DUZA LITERAhave to prepare articles? Who will be my supervisor and will be get<--BYĆ DOSTAWAĆ my articles?
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.


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