Krótki tekst o mobbingu - bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie

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Witam, poniżej zamieszczam krótki tekst dotyczący mobbingu, bardzo zależy mi na jego prawidłowości, dlatego proszę o sprawdzenie mojego tłumaczenia. Będę wdzięczna. Z góry dziękuję, a oto on:

Mobbing and discrimination are words, which compeling controversies by virtue of commonness assert itself in contemporary enterprises. These pheonomenona refer to the human relations, particularly interactions will lead to multiform conflict. They are ending usually harrasing, degrading one of side, what is exerting destructive influences her psyche and personality. However the victim agrees everything, because realizes the unstable situation on the market of the work. Unquestionably they are also consequance for functioning of the organization, because "are infecting" the entire employee team. The mobbing requires permanent getting to know, monitoring, as well as implementing preventive new solutions. The aim of this artical is paying attention to the scope of appearing this phenomenon, sectors of the highest risk and types of unethical behaviours. Part from that a problem of the lack of the awareness of the society and passivities of the senior staff which often don’t realize threats which are making psychological terror on-the-job.
za duzo bledow, zeby to sprawdzac. Nie porywaj sie na takie teksty, skoro nie potrafisz ulozyc poprawnych zdan po angielsku.
Chyba ze to translator.
Mobbing and discrimination are words, which 'compeling' (zle slowo) controversies by virtue of 'commonness' (zle slowo) (brak slowa) 'assert' (zle slowo) itself in contemporary enterprises. These pheonomenona refer to 'the' (nieotr) human relations, particularly interactions 'will' (zle slowo) lead to 'multiform' (zle slowo) conflict. They 'are' (niepotr) 'ending' (zle slowo) usually' (zlas kol slow) 'harrasing' (zle slowo), degrading (brak slowa) one 'of ' (niepotr) side, 'what' (zle slowo) is exerting destructive influences (brak slowa) 'her' (zle slowo) psyche and personality. However (przecinek) the victim agrees (brak slowa) everything, because (brak slowa) realizes the unstable situation on the 'market 'of the' (niepotr) work' (zlas kol slow). Unquestionably they are also (przedimek) 'consequance' (ortog i l. mn) 'for' (zle slowo) functioning of the organization, because (brak slowa) l"are infecting" the entire employee team. 'The' (niepotr) mobbing requires permanent 'getting to know' (calkowicie nie rozumiem), monitoring, as well as implementing preventive new solutions. The aim of this 'artical' (ortog) is paying attention to the scope of 'appearing' (zle slowo) (brak slowa) this phenomenon, sectors of the highest risk and types of unethical behaviours. Part 'from' (zle slowo) (brak slowa) that 'a' (niepotr) problem (brak slowa) 'of' (niepotr) the lack of the awareness of the society and 'passivities' (zle slowo) of the senior staff 'which' (jak o ludziach to 'who') often don’t realize threats which 'are making' (nie - daj 'make') psychological terror on-the-job.

Tekst jest za trudny dla ciebie.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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