Sprawdzenie listu - proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, język angielski jest mi totalnie obcy, dlatego proszę o pomoc. Za każdą poprawkę serdecznie dziękuje.

'Dear Pamela,

Thanks for you letter. I am very pleased with your visit. Why are planning to visit me? What do you want to travel? And for how long you want to stay with me?

I plan to in the first week of the holidays to go to grandma. When I come back from grandma I spent time with friends. I am willing to go with friends to the pool and often we play football stadium.
From 1 August plans to leave with his parents and sister in the mountains. We love the fresh air and heavy walking. We will be in the mountains 2 weeks. When I come back I'll be at home all the time until the start of school.
I think that the best time you will come July 15 or August 15. Then I will certainly at home and you will be able to stop me.
I'm already looking forward to your arrival can not get it, we will have a great time. Looking forward to hearing from you.

The best
Witam, język angielski jest mi totalnie obcy, dlatego proszę o pomoc. Za każdą poprawkę serdecznie dziękuje.

czyli nie pisales tego sam.
Korzystać ze słownika potrafię
jest za duzo bledow na jakakolwiek poprawe
'Dear Pamela,

Thanks for you letter. I am very pleased with your visit CZYLI WIZYTA OFICJAL;NA JUZ SIE ODBYLA. Why are BRAK PODMIOTU, NO TAK, TEGO NIE MA W SLOWNIKACHplanning to visit me? What=CO do you want to travel? And for<-USUN how long ZLA KONSTRUKCJA PYTANIA you want to stay with me?

I plan to BRAK LUB USUN SLOWO in the first week of the holidays OKOLICZNIK CZASU NA KONCU ZDANIA to go to grandma =POJSC DO BABCI, KTORA JEST NP. W DRUGIM POKOJU. When I come back from grandma TO SAMO I spent CZAS PRZESZLY time with friends. I am willing JESTEM CHETNY to go with friends to the pool and often we play football stadiumSTADION PILKARSKI.
From 1 August TRANSLATOR PRZETLUMACZYL 'PLANUJE'? plans to leave with his TRANSLATOR. parents and sister in the mountains W GORACH. We love the fresh air and heavy CO? walking. We will be in the mountains 2 weeks. When I come back I'll be at home all the time until the start of school.
I think that the best time you will come July 15 or August 15=NAJLEPSZY CZAS TY PRZYJEDZIESZ 15 LIPIEC . Then I will certainly at home and you will be able to stop =ZATRZYMAC me.
I'm already looking forward to your arrival TRANSLATOR LATWO WYKRYC can not get it, we will have a great time. Looking forward to hearing from you.

The best
Starałem się poprawić zaznaczone błędy za co bardzo dziękuje.

Dear Pamela,

Thanks for you letter. I am very pleased that you're planning to visit us for holiday. Why are you planning

to visit me? Wherewith do you want to travel? How long has you been want to stay with me?

I plan to in the first week of the holidays to journey to grandma. When I come back from grandma I

will spend time with friends. I am gladly to go with friends to the pool and often we play football field.

I plans to leave from 1 August with his parents and sister in the mountains . We love the fresh air and

heavy walking. We will be in the mountains 2 weeks. When I come back I'll be at home all the time until

the start of school.
I think that the best time you will come July 15 or August 17. Then I will certainly at home and you will

be able to stay at my house.
I can not wait for the arrival. We will have a great time . Looking forward to hearing from you.

The best
znowu mase błedow
znowu mase błedow
Cytat: zielonosiwy
znowu mase błedow

Dzięki za pomoc
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.