Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To są pytania na dyskusję. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów.

1. Do you do any sports? Why / why not?
2. What is essential to be a good sportsmen?
3. Do you think women are discriminated in sports?
4. What is your favourite sport? Do you watch it on TV or do it yourself?
5. Do you think that chess can be considered a kind of sport?
6. Do you think government should support sport?
7. Can you think of any big sport events that have taken place in your country recently? Was it a success or a failure?
8. What is the most expensive sport you can think of?
9. Do you think that doing sport can have any bad influence?
10. How could you define extreme sport? Why do you think people do extreme sports?
11. Is it important for sportsmen to have supporters. Does it have only advantages or also disadvantages?
12. Do you think that sport stars earn to much?
13. What do you think about sports in which animals are used?
sportsmen, to much- ortografia
Ja bym dodał (przeciwko) w 3.
Może zmień niektóre sport na sports.
Nie rozumiem co masz na myśli w tym 3. Możesz jaśniej, bardzo proszę.
żeby wyszło: przeciw kobietom
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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