For and against essay

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Nowadays people care more about their diet and eating habits than they used to before. Especially, vegetarian diet is becoming more popular. In this essay i will discuss benefits and drawbacks of not eating a meat.
First of all, vegetarian diet reduces intake of fat which contains cholesterol. It can prevent us from getting heart diseases. Great amount of fiber help us with
digesting food and cleansing our body. Moreover, this kind of diet prevents us from getting obese.
Secondly, people who are vegetarians know more about cooking, components from which the food is made and eating habits. They also learn how to respect the nature and animals, they are more empathic and sensitive than other people.
Vegetarian diet has also disadvantages.Firstly, changing our eating habits is expensive and time consuming. The prices of components for vegetarian dish, especially when they are ecological, are very high. Preparing course which has to be very balanced takes a lot of time and not everybody can afford that.
Secondly, if the vegetarian food is badly prepered it may cause health issues.
Composing diet which does not contain meat is not as simple as it looks. We have to provide our organism with relevant proteins.
To sum up, I think that it is our personal decision what diet we will choose.
Nowadays people care more about their diet and eating habits than they used to before. Especially, PRZEDIMEK vegetarian diet is becoming more AND MORE popular. In this essay i<-LITER. will discuss PRZEDIMEK benefits and drawbacks of not eating a<-USUN meat.
First of all, PRZEDIMEK vegetarian diet reduces PRZEDIMEK intake of fat PRZECINEK which contains cholesterol. It can prevent<-RACZEJ 'UCHRONIC' us from getting heart diseases. PRZEDIMEK Great amount of fiber help<-ZLA FORMA us with NIE, PO HELP UZYJ BEZOKOLICZNIKA
digesting food and cleansing our body. Moreover, this kind of diet prevents ZNOWU, TAK JAKBYSMY CHCIELI BYC OTYLI us from getting obese.
Secondly, people who are vegetarians know more about cooking, components from which the <-KTÓRE?food is made and eating habits. They also learn how<-USUN to respect the nature and animals, they are more empathic and sensitive than other people.
PRZEDIMEK Vegetarian diet ALSO has also ITS disadvantages.Firstly, changing our eating habits is expensive and time consuming. The prices of components for vegetarian dish JEDEN?, especially when they are ecological, are very high. Preparing PRZEDIMEK course which has to be very balanced takes a lot of time and not everybody can afford that.
Secondly, if the KTÓRE? vegetarian food is badly prepered PRZEGOTOWANE? :-) it may cause health issues.
Composing PRZEDIMEK diet which does not contain meat is not as simple as it looks. We have to provide our organism BODY with relevant
administracja nie radzi sobie z ucieciami.
Pisalem juz, ze chodzi prawdopodobnie o sekwencje <- albo podobNa.
Dziękuje za odpowiedź :)
na koniec napisalem
ucz sie przedimkow, bo moga zrujnowac prace na rozszerzeniu
Ok, jeszcze mam jedno pytanie, jak powinno poprawnie wyglądać to zdanie? ... components from which the food is made... . Nie pasowało mi tu coś ale nie mogę wykombinować nic :(
what your food composes of
no i
the food' = konkretne jedzenie, choc ok, moze byc, bo moze chodzic o jedzenie wegetarianskie
ale ingredients to nie sa skladniki konkretnej potrawy?
A tu chodzi o jedzenie skladajace sie z warzyw itp
nie wiem, co miala na mysli, piszac components
nazwalbys warzywo skladnikiem?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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