Opis pracy w biurze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam raz jeszcze, prosiłbym tym razem o sprawdzenie tego tekstu.

I am a civil servant. I go to work 6 kilometres by ma car five times a week. I work there one year. I work nine to five working day. I like work with people because I'm people person. People come to office with financial affairs. They are often dificult thing. I like help them because I like challanges and I have a job satisfaction when I can help. I thing I'm a good listener. Every day I signs and copy many documents, so I must be in order. Usually I go to the post office to send letters. Every day I send about 50 letters.
When I start in this job I must learn a lot of statute, how to use a office devices and how interwiew with suppliant. Often i have a lot of work when it's a lot of people but I be abble to meet tight deadlines. Often people want make their affairs quickly, so I must keep calm under preasure. I like my work place but sometimes there are disadvantages. Some people who come to office there are arrogant, not nice and conflict. At work I'm still learning new things. I very like my team. In this place work very nice and helpier people. My work affect me positive self system.
Rzuciłby ktoś okiem? bardzo proszę, bo potrzebuje tego na jutro :-)

Generalnie to masz bardzo dużo błędów :(
I am a civil servant. I go to work 6 kilometres by ma
niestety, znowu ucielo tekst, administracja nie potrafi sobie z tym poradzic.
Duzo bledow
ale głównie błędy gramatyczne?
Np. ma - my, go to work by car - commute to work, I signs - I sign
a czy ktoś spróbowałby to poprawić, bardzo tego potrzebuje a nie mam jak bo będę poza domem
nikt nie pomoże mi z tym?
Temat do zamknięcia. Proszę Administrację o usunięcie
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.