Właśnie wróciłeś z zakupów z najlepszym przyjacielem. Napisz wiadomość e-mail do koleżanki z Anglii w której:
- napiszesz w jakim celu i gdzie udaliście się na zakupy,
- opiszesz co niespodziewanego spotkało was w trakcie wyprawy,
- przedstawisz wady i zalety wspólnego robienia zakupów,
- zapytasz koleżankę gdzie i kiedy lubi robić zakupy.
Hi Kate!
Have you heard about the new shopping mall in our town? I’ve been there today with my friend because I want to buy new shoes.
We started at the shoe shop. We were the first customers in It. I choose a pair of shoes and we go to the checkout. Then cashier told us that I got an 50% discount because I was one of the first customers! I was very pleased by that.
Do you fancy going shopping with your friends? The disadvantage of going shopping together is that we can’t go where we want. We must go together with our friend. But shopping together also has an advantage. It’s less boring than shopping alone.
What I really like about shopping in shopping malls is that all the shops are in one place and I can shop around all the shops. Where you like to shop?
That’s it for now. I hope to hear from you soon.