Byłabym bardzo wdzięczna, gdyby ktoś mógł sprawdzić, czy mój list jest poprawnie napisany, chodzi mi głownie pod względem gramatycznym i interpunkcyjnym.
Od razu z góry proszę nie komentować, że ten mój list jest jakiś głupi czy coś podobnego, bo napisałam ten list tak prosto z serca i po prostu jest to dla mnie ważne, żeby był napisany poprawnie.
Z góry dziękuję za wszystkie odpowiedzi i przepraszam, że jest taki długi :)
Hi [...........] ,
My name's [............] . I am a book-loving, calm, not really sociable teenager from Poland and your big well-wisher!
I love watching you acting. I am truly amazed on how enormous your talent is. I've never heard about an actor who was working so hard to reach perfect image of the character. When I watch films and series where you perform I'm each time overwhelmed. You give a spirit to your every character which is fantastic and a pure pleasure to watch.
Recently I have many times seen "The Crucible" on Digital Theatre and I am still shivering on the memory of that stunning performance. I regret so much that I haven't seen it live in the Old Vic Theatre. Also I loved the way you performed as Thorin in The Hobbit trilogy. By the way I really like it that this story was extended into three films, not like most of my friends who complain about it. I think it is great that we have such a good opportunity to explore Middle-earth so deeply. Anyway, I could write more and more about each of the characters you've played but I don't want to make you bored with my dull glorification.
I admire you and everything what you do, especially your involvement in many charities and various organisations like Cybersmile Foundation. You do so much good to other people that for me it's unbelievable that one person can be so generous and full of goodness. When you wrote on Twitter that you would match the final amount your „little diddly doddle" for Neurofibromatosis Network took I literally welled up with tears of happines.
Everytime I see your well-doing and your hard work each time you take something up I am always so proud to call myself your well-wisher. You inspire me to do great things and do what I really love. And I'm sure many of the Armitage Army thinks like that too.
I made by myself a drawing for which I would be endlessly grateful if you could send me your autograph with dedication on it. It would really make my day.
I wish you many great roles in future and satisfaction of job! Looking forward to your next films and series.
All the best,
PS I'm so glad that you won the Saturn Award for the Best Supporting Actor! Many congratulations to you!