CV - opis zajmowanego stanowiska / zakres obowiązków

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam serdecznie,

Bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu poprawności opisów zajmowanych stanowisk oraz zakresu obowiązków na każdym z nich.

1. Leading negotiation investigations connected with judgement enforcement of expired acquittance through the phone or directly in person. Analysis and judgement of actual financial situation of debtors or/and security of assets. Executing jobs in various places countrywide. Processing scheduled jobs on time to a very high quality standards. Leading restructure and compromising operations with debtors. Monitoring payment schedules. Reporting results directly to a Supervisor in accordance with Company procedures. Report writing and analysis of fact sheets for a Law Firms (tutaj chodzi o kancelarie adwokacja, nie wiem czy to poprawa forma) Preparation of formal documentation and paperwork. Internal and external coordination of mail. Information and documentation management between organisation (nie wiem jak tutaj bedzie kancelaria) and external customers. Data input into corporate (jak wyzej not sure ;)) IT systems.

2. Management, organisation and delegation of the responsibilities within the team (Including: task assignment, determining task priority, task supervision, assesment and motivation of team colleagues, ensuring adherance to corporate Health & Safety policies and procedures). Ensuring efficient and effective communication within the team and with business partners. Supervision and management of working time records and any quaries. Attendance management and collaboration with Human Resources Department. Report writing for a Line Manager. Innovation on continuous improvement and project optimisation.

3. Professional Customer Services of an individual and business sectors. Direct sale of B2B and IT. Creation of sale offers and negotiation of sale conditions. Post sale Customer Service. Building Customer ( jak bedzie osprzedażowa obsługa klienta ???). Building long term relationship with Customers.

4. Management of the workload and Team of Warehouse Operatives within emerging warehouse department. Deployment and monitoring of new ERP system module. Goal setting and KPIs monitoring through efficiency of the team. Collaboration with other departments within the warehouse and external contractors. Attendance and flexibility management. Ensuring all Health & Safety procedures are followed.

5. Leading the team of Warehouse Operatives and reporting directly to a Contract Manager and Operations Manager. Performance management using Denver and SPH (In house systems). Health & Safety management with actions being taken to prevent reoccurence. Participating and reporting results in Depot meetings. Ensuring accuracy and efficiency of every task to make sure customers’ needs are met through effective opeartion.

Będę bardzo wdzięczny za naniesione korekty !!!
Serdecznie pozdrawiam !!
Dlaczego tyle wielkich liter?;)
Direct sale of B2B and IT.
Np. Business to business and online sales
1. Leading negotiation investigations connected with judgement enforcement of expired acquittance ' (nie rozumiem co to jest) 'through' (mowimy BY) 'the' (niepotr) 'phone' (slowo jest 'telephone') or directly in person.
Executing 'jobs' (poszukaj inne slowo - to jest kolokw) in various places countrywide. Processing scheduled 'jobs' (inne slowo) on time to 'a' (niepotr) very high quality standards. Leading restructure and 'compromising operations' (zle pojecie, nie wiem o co chodzi tutaj) with debtors.
Report writing and analysis of fact sheets for 'a' (dlaczego dajesz 'a' przed l. mnoga?) Law Firms.
'Information and documentation management' (cos tu nie tak, to niema sensu) between organisation and external customers.
2. Management, organisation and delegation of 'the' (niepotr) responsibilities within the team (Including: task assignment, determining task priority, task supervision, assesment and motivation of team colleagues, ensuring adherance to corporate Health '&' (daj slowo 'and'); Safety policies and procedures). Ensuring efficient and effective communication within the team and with (internal czy external?) business partners. Supervision and management of working time records and (tutaj daj slowo 'resolving') any 'quaries' (to jest zle, ma byc 'queries').
Report writing for 'a' (niepotr) Line Manager.
3. Professional Customer Services of 'an' (wg mnie niepotr) individual and business sectors.
Building Customer ( jak bedzie osprzedażowa obsługa klienta ???- nie wiem, bo nie rozumiem co to jest).
4. Management of the workload 'and' (to jest zle slowo, moze 'of') Team of Warehouse Operatives within AN emerging warehouse department.
'Attendance and flexibility management' (chociaz ja to wole inaczej....Management of ....). Ensuring all Health '&' (and) Safety procedures WERE BEING 'are' (niepotr) followed.
5. Health '&' (and) Safety management with actions being taken to prevent reoccurence.
Ensuring accuracy and efficiency of every task to make sure customers’ needs are met through effective 'opeartion' (operation).


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