Technology affecting our lives

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TASK: Following a class discussion on how technology has affected the way we live today.
-which aspect of our daily lives has been affected most by technology?
communication, relationships, working life
Write an essay discussin two... You should explain which aspect of daily life you think has been most affected by technology, giving reasons in support of your answer.

We often hear that technology has been influencing every part of our quotidian activities, with many suggesting it has been encroaching upon fundamental basis of society. In this essay I will focus on two of them, namely communication and work, which may well be the ones that has been reshaped the most.
Firstly, it is true that technology has allowed us to communicate with others round-the-clock via the phone or the Internet. This kind of contact, while being cheaper, is also far less personal. Not only do we tend to stay at home instead of meeting new people, but we also speak to our friends less frequently. What used to be a casual visit years ago, has been successfully replaced by telephoning and texting.
Secondly, the benefits of the technological improvement in terms of work seem to be outweighed by the disadvantages. Certainly, a bunch of products are cheaper and more accessible to the masses, however, it has been achieved at the expense of job positions, dwindling because of gradual automation. In consequence, people cannot afford basic products let alone premium products or state-of-the-art inventions.
In conclusion, technology has been dominating our lives more and more, both in our personal and professional lives. In my view, the threat of technology affecting personal aspects of our lives, such as communication, is by far more profound than any other. We should remind ourselves that technology is being designed as a tool, not a replacement of an interaction with others, and as each tool it has to be used wisely.
dwindling przed jobs
jobs a nie job positions...mówisz o generalnym trendzie a nie specificznej pracy czy zawodzie
consequently a nie in consequence
state of the art nie to samo co produkty... możesz napisać np.
...premium or top of the line product

...and as each tool it has to be used wisely.......and as such, it has......
Dziękuje, lexass.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia