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"My friend Mateusz's got a quite big family. He's got two brothers and two sisters. His brothers are younger than he. They're students and live in Warsaw. Mateusz's older sister Katarzyna's lawyer. Katarzyna's got two sons - they're 4 and 6 years old. Katarzyna's husband leaves them three years ago, but he helps Katarzyna's to take care of the boys. Katarzyna's got a new partner Maciej. They don't live together, because he still works in Katowice. He's planning to move to Wroclaw next year. Second sister of Mateusz is a doctor. She works a lot in hospital in London. They don't see each other very often."

Dzięki za pomoc.
"My friend Mateusz's got a DAJ PRZEDIMEK PRZED BIG quite big family. He's got two brothers and two sisters. His brothers are younger than he< --ZŁE SLOWO. They're students and live in Warsaw. Mateusz's older sister Katarzyna's PRZEDIMEK lawyer. Katarzyna's got two sons - they're 4 and 6 years old. Katarzyna's husband leaves ZŁY CZAS them three years ago, but he helps Katarzyna's to take care of the boys. Katarzyna's got a new partner Maciej. They don't live together, because he still works in Katowice. He's planning to move to Wroclaw next year. PRZEDIMEK Second sister of Mateusz is a doctor. She works a lot in hospital in London. They don't see each other very often."
but he helps Katarzyna's to take care of the boys.
Mnie się zdaje że przed hospital stawiamy przedimek, chyba że jesteś tam jako pacjent ale nie wiem czy w BrE :)
edytowany przez Aaric: 07 paź 2015
Cytat: Aaric
Mnie się zdaje że przed hospital stawiamy przedimek, chyba że jesteś tam jako pacjent ale nie wiem czy w BrE :)

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