Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.He should love your job and to awaken one's intere the students a lesson.
2.He should also be professional, because it should clearly explain the issues discussed.
3. Ideal teacher should be patient, because not every child understands everything at once. Not everyone is gifted mathematically, for example.

I choose the second illustration, because the students are happy, they enjoy learning. Also, this is a tolerant school, because there are people of different nationalities.
I chose not second photograph, because students must wear uniforms. I think this is not comfortable.
1.He should love your job and to awaken one's intere the students a lesson.
2.He should also be professional, because it should clearly explain the issues discussed.
Te zdania wyglądają na żywcem zrąbane z translatora. 1 jest całkiem nie zrozumiałe.
edytowany przez Aaric: 09 paź 2015
Wybrałaś drugą i nie wybrałaś drugą fotografię.
Jak będzie negative od 'I chose'?
edytowany przez Aaric: 09 paź 2015
love HIS job,.. and awake
1.He should love 'your ' (on powinnien kochac MOJ job - od kiedy? co to za stworzenie?) job and to awaken 'one's' (zle uzycie slowa w tym zdaniu) 'intere' (co to jest?) the students (brakuje slowa) a lesson.
2.He should also be professional, because 'it' (na osobe myslacza mowisz IT? od kiedy?) should clearly explain the issues discussed.
3. (brak przedimka) ideal teacher should be patient, because not every child understands everything at once.
'I chose not second photograph' (co to jest? po jakiemu to jest?), because (brak przedimka) students must wear uniforms. I think 'this' (nie jest jasne do czego to 'this' sie odnosi) is not comfortable.