Niedługi esej do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu. Za każdą pomoc bardzo dziękuję.

The last time I had a misunderstanding with a friend happened a few weeks ago. We talked about the ban on selling sweets in school. At the end of the conversation I added: “Man will even get used to the gallows”. I thought it was simple sentence, such as "The cat is on the table". But she was surprised and asked: "What is it? Is it a kind of metaphor?". So I explained to her that this is a wooden frame, consisting of a crossbeam on two uprights, on which condemned persons are executed by hanging.
This situation taught me that something what is obvious to me is not always so for others.
sentence jest policzalne
something that
w ostatnim zdaniu masz dwa rozne przyimki w tym samym znaczeniu. Uzyj jednego, poprawnego.

usun przecinki w przedostatnim zdaniu (consisting itp.)
zamiast dwukropkow przecinki (wprowadzanie cytatow)