Proszę o szybką pomoc w tym essay'u ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, mam tu argumentative essay, ale nie wiem czy dobrze napisałam. Jestem prawie pewna że mam tu dużo błędów, ale nie wiem jakich i wogóle. Ogólnie jestem słaba z angielskiego. Dlatego proszę, sprawdźcie mi to i proszę o poprawki ;)
Tak, pisane było to z tłumaczem, bo naprawdę jestem mega słaba z angielskiego. A chciałabym dostać dobrą ocenę.

Proszę to jest ten tekst ;)

Help or not to help refugees ? Many of us think that we should help refugees . Some however are behind it in order not to do it. I will try to show you virtues as well as defects in taking refugees in to oneself.
Refugees they are people, which are fleeing from their country in search for the refuge. They are trying to save their life. Therefore we should help them.
Firstly people fleeing form their country want the aid at least a whit. And we, as Catolics should support them in this difficult situation, because at on time and we perhaps will need help.
However accepting them to Poland has also it defects. The fact that he can reach the fight between people for their diversity, for example between Catholics ans Islamists is one of them. The war will proroke then chaos in our country and the weakness which neighbours can exploit.
Suming all arguments up "too" and "against" I reached a condusion that still I didn't have a sentence or to take refuges in whether not. Out of the goodness our heart we should help them, but from the other side I am afraid that conflicts can appearin the country.
TO help (przypomniej sobie be or not to be..) or not to help (ja dalabym przedimek) refugees ? Many of us think that we should help (przedimek) refugees . Some however (dalabym tutaj przecinek) are behind 'it' (nie wiem dokladnie do czego to 'it' sie odnosi) in order not to do it. I will try to show you (dalabym przedimek) virtues as well as (przedimek) defects in taking refugees in. 'to oneself' (calkowicie tego nie rozumiem).
Refugees 'they' (niepotr) are people, 'which' (nie, nie, nie, gdy mowimy o ludziach, to zawsze WHO) are fleeing from their (dodalabym 'own') country in search 'for ' (zle slowo, tutaj ' go in search OF) 'the' (niepotr) refuge. They are trying to save their 'life' (ale slowo 'they' daje mi znac, ze to jest l. mnoga, prosze dostosowac rzeczownik do l. mn.).
Firstly (daj tutaj przecinek) people fleeing 'form' (zle slowo) their country want 'the aid at least a whit' (tego nie rozumiem). 'And' (prosze nie zaczynac zdan tym slowem to nie jest jego funkcja w zdaniu) we, as Catolics should support them in this difficult situation, because at 'on' (zle slowo) time 'and' (niepotr) we perhaps will need help.
However (daj przecinek) accepting them INto Poland has also 'it' (zle slowo) defects. The fact that 'he' (nie rozumiem o kim mowa) can reach 'the' (zle slowo) fight between people 'for' (zle slowo) their diversity, for example between Catholics 'ans' (zle slowo) Islamists is one of them. The war will 'proroke' (co to za slowo?) 'then' (zle slowo) chaos in our country and the weakness which (ale czyje? musisz napisac) neighbours can exploit.
'Suming' (ortog) (brak slowa) all arguments up '"too"' (calkowicie zle slowo) and "against" I reached a 'condusion' (ortog) that still I didn't have a 'sentence' (zle slowo) or (tu brakuje slowa) to take refuges in 'whether' (zle slowo, tu wystarczy OR) not. Out of the goodness (brak slowa) our heart we should help them, but from the other side I am afraid that conflicts can 'appearin' (zle slowo) (brak slowa) the country.