Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności e-maila

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Dear John,
It was good to hear from you,
I'm writing to tell you about my a new friend. Her name is Alex. I met her in the cinema. When I looked at her she looked at me and i said hellow. After movie I talked with her and we went for a walk.

She's funny. She very ofete makes me laught. She is emotional. She always cries when we watching sad movies.

We like a computer games. When she is in my home we often play in the "League of Legends". Moreover we love books. Alex and me read the same books.

I think you can come to us in holiday. I will introduce you her. We can go cycling and after watching the best movies in my house.

See you soon,
i said hellow.
She very ofete makes me laught.
We like a computer games. Dlaczego a tu dałeś?
I will introduce you her.
When she is in my home we often play in the "League of Legends".
We can go cycling and after LATER WE ....watching ...
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 lis 2015
Jest tyle bledow, ze widac, ze osoba nie ma pojecia o jez. ang. Niby sie uczy, ale nie za bardzo i co najwazniejsze, jeszcze caly czas mysli po polsku. A to jest blad.


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