Would it be better or worse ? (ale dla kogo? wg mnie potrzeba cos dodac)
First of all, our life would not make 'a' (niepotr) sense. There would be no point doing anything if you knew how 'would it finish' (to nie jest pytanie, a ty to napisalas jako pytanie, tutaj trzeba ...how it would finish). Imagine for example that people 'know' (zly czas, wg mnie tutaj czas przeszly) who 'will' (zly modal) they become and what will 'the' (zle slowo) have in 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) future life, such people would stop putTING any effort into developing themselves any more.
People would never be surprised or shocked 'what' (znowu to polskie 'co' ile razy o tym piszemy...to jest zle slowo, tak nie mowimy po ang) is very important to diversify (albo przedimek albo cos innego) daily life. Not to mention the fact that, some people could break down if their future turnED out to be bad.
Opponents of this view say, that they could prevent themselves from some difficult situations or unfortunate accidents if they knew about them before (ale 'before' czego...before they happen?). What is more, people would have an opportunity to protect themselves against threats which 'lie' (wg mnie zly czas) ahead. But I think, it can 'be not' (zla kolejnosc slow - !) always possible. Some things are inevitable and we can not change 'it' (ale przeciez to 'it' odnosi sie do 'things- l. mnoga).
I think it is better to know 'little' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) so that (ale kot? musisz napisac) stay more peaceful.
(as an aside - gdyby kobiety wiedzialy jacy niektorzy mezczyzni sa - zycie byloby calkowicie inne)