Knowing a future would be a curse.- opinion essay

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Nowadays, a lot of people are wondering how would it be if they knew the future ? Would it be better or worse ? In my opinion knowing the future would be a curse.
First of all, our life would not make a sense. There would be no point doing anything if you knew how would it finish. Imagine for example that people know who will they become and what will the have in the future life, such people would stop put any effort into developing themselves any more.
Furthermore, every day would be extremely boring and predictable. People would never be surprised or shocked what is very important to diversify daily life. Not to mention the fact that, some people could break down if their future turn out to be bad.
Opponents of this view say, that they could prevent themselves from some difficult situations or unfortunate accidents if they knew about them before. What is more, people would have an opportunity to protect themselves against threats which lie ahead. But I think, it can be not always possible. Some things are inevitable and we can not change it.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that knowing the future would not be good for people. It would be like a curse which could make our life dull and grey instead of improving it. I think it is better to know little so that stay more peaceful.
Would it be better or worse ? (ale dla kogo? wg mnie potrzeba cos dodac)
First of all, our life would not make 'a' (niepotr) sense. There would be no point doing anything if you knew how 'would it finish' (to nie jest pytanie, a ty to napisalas jako pytanie, tutaj trzeba it would finish). Imagine for example that people 'know' (zly czas, wg mnie tutaj czas przeszly) who 'will' (zly modal) they become and what will 'the' (zle slowo) have in 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) future life, such people would stop putTING any effort into developing themselves any more.
People would never be surprised or shocked 'what' (znowu to polskie 'co' ile razy o tym jest zle slowo, tak nie mowimy po ang) is very important to diversify (albo przedimek albo cos innego) daily life. Not to mention the fact that, some people could break down if their future turnED out to be bad.
Opponents of this view say, that they could prevent themselves from some difficult situations or unfortunate accidents if they knew about them before (ale 'before' czego...before they happen?). What is more, people would have an opportunity to protect themselves against threats which 'lie' (wg mnie zly czas) ahead. But I think, it can 'be not' (zla kolejnosc slow - !) always possible. Some things are inevitable and we can not change 'it' (ale przeciez to 'it' odnosi sie do 'things- l. mnoga).
I think it is better to know 'little' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) so that (ale kot? musisz napisac) stay more peaceful.

(as an aside - gdyby kobiety wiedzialy jacy niektorzy mezczyzni sa - zycie byloby calkowicie inne)
make sense
no point in doing
would it finish - źle, to nie jest pytanie
stop put - źle
future turn - niegramatyczne
so that stay more peacful - niezrozumiałe
The World is set to crumble and we have only a small chance to get out of it relatively unscathed , understood? I'm glad thank U :)
I only put my private opinion across at that moment ;) Everyone has right to agree or disagree with it.
Cytat: Robbertoxx
The World is set to crumble and we have only a small chance to get out of it relatively unscathed , understood? I'm glad thank U :)

Evidence? Where is your evidence? Timeline?
Well,I haven't got so far any but If someone is a good observer what's been going on all over the World for a years , it will not be hard to come out with such a conclusion . All wars and fighting must end one day and it is in no doubt. I believe that perhaps one day God will interverne on Earth.
To continue..., I know myself being a little beside the topic but nevermind ;) Our future is pretty clear once it's been predicted a neons ago not by a man .The ongoing devastation to natural resources seems not to have known its limits at ll . Although global war between powers is all way unlikely, we should not deludge ourselves into thinking that mankind will ever get along with bringing in peace to this World. It is a pure fantasy ,as simple as that. Almost every single military conflict throughout all this world was, or has been based on religious feuds and it has carried on like this intil now . The EU and other organisations are dead keen to restore the order but I've known that perfectly that all these attempts will ineviteably fail. Eu is set to fail as well as Vatican,too. True God has nothing to do with so-colled 'followers' or anything in that kind.I know that I'm sounding a bit strange at the moment but I have read " St.Paul Revelation" very carefully so I know what i'm on about. It is not a human's thing to bring in peace to the World. Moreover - talking about a deadlines ot timelines, whatsoever, is void. I did not come across such a term while reading files . It mentions about " the fall of the system of power in a global scale' not about ' the end of the World 'literally.
dawno wiekszego steku bzdur nie widzialem, gdyby to jeszcze bylo napisane jakąś dobrą angielszczyzną lecz niestety...
Cytat: zielonosiwy
dawno wiekszego steku bzdur nie widzialem, gdyby to jeszcze bylo napisane jakąś dobrą angielszczyzną lecz niestety...

nie za bardzo wiedzialam o co chodzi zanim nie popatrzylam. Zwroce uwage gdzie sa bledy (na przyszly raz)
Well,I haven't got 'so far any' (any so far) (przecinek przed slowem 'but') but if someone is a good observer (tutaj brakuje pare slow) what's been going on all over the world for 'a' (niepotr) years , it will not be hard to come out with such a conclusion . All wars and fighting must end one day 'and' (nie wiem, czy dalabym tutaj slowo 'and') it is 'in' (niepotr) no doubt. I believe that perhaps one day God will 'interverne' (ortog) on Earth.
(ale ....ostatnie zdanie - juz chyba to zrobil, kiedy zeslal swojego syna na ziemie...)
edytowany przez terri: 11 gru 2015
To continue..., I know myself 'being a little' (tego nie rozumiem) beside the topic but never mind ;)
Our future is pretty clear once it's been predicted 'a' (niepotr) neons ago (tutaj dodalabym 'and') not by a man .The ongoing devastation 'to' (zle slowo) natural resources seems not to have known its limits at all . Although global war between powers is 'all way' (cos tu nie tak) unlikely, we should not 'deludge' (zle slowo) ourselves into thinking that mankind will ever get along with bringing 'in' (niepotr) peace to this 'World' (nie rozumiem, dlaczego piszesz 'wqorld' duza litera). It is 'a' (niepotr) pure fantasy, as simple as that. Almost every single military conflict throughout all this world was, or has been based on religious feuds and it has carried on like this 'intil' (ortog) now . The EU and other organisations are dead keen to restore the order (przecinek) but 'I've known' (zly czas) that perfectly that all these attempts will 'ineviteably' (ortog) fail.
True God has nothing to do with so-'colled' (zle slowo, ma byc 'called') 'followers' or anything 'in' (zle slowo) that kind. I know that I'm sounding a bit strange at the moment (przecinek) but I have read " St.Paul Revelation" very carefully so I know what 'i'm' (popraw, tu ma byc duza litera) on about. It is not a human's thing to bring in peace to the 'World' (mala litera). Moreover - talking about 'a' (niepotr) deadlines 'ot' (ortog) timelines, whatsoever, is 'void' (nie, talking - nie moze byc 'void' arguments moga byc void). I did not come across such a term while reading (brak przedimka) files . It mentions 'about' (niepotr) " the fall of the system of power in a global scale' not about ' the end of the World 'literally.

(Dokladna data (dzien, miesiac, rok) konca Swiata bardzo mi sie przyda, zeby zrobic to co chcialabym jeszcze zrobic. Tempus fugit)
I am not perfect and I've never thought like that but, please if you keep you opinion to yourself ,right ? I am not yet another brainless twat , it was not a pile of rubbish for all I can say .
I mentioned this to Zielonosiwy @ :)
However ,Thank you for your coming out with sincere (???) advice . I will be goping my all-out to get it better , right ?
moze mi podpowiedz jak mam to napisac dobrą BBC albo RP angielszczyzna ?
czytałem 'Guardiana' i zwrot ' this in in no doubt" był użyty , miedzy wierszami . Być moze blędnie , jesli cos ,to powiedzcie ,czy lepiej brzmi bez 'in'?
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