Our local Charity Fun Day
My friends and I decided to organise a ,, Charity Fun Day" in our school. Our headteacher was not opposed DZIWNE, TO BRZMI, JAKBYSCIE SIE SPODZIEWALI SPRZECIWU to the idea. Furthermore, she even said: ,, I will also participat ORTOGR. in this event!" After great recomendations from PRZEDIMEK headteacher we prepare CZAS a lot of delicious meal POSILEK and we invited a local people and we also invite a lot of talented young people from other
s schools, and a several music bands. DWA RAZY UZYLES 'A' PRZED RZECZOWNIKAMI W LICZBIE MNOGIEJ
My friends decided to organise a talent schow ORTOGR firstly. I told them that it is WAS (MOWA ZALEZNA) a great idea! After 10 o'clock we opened the gym's door and the talend schow started. This year's Charity Fun Day was brilliant. There were over than = PONAD NIŻ one thousand people. They
might COULD taste several types of food. For instance, the most interesting meal for THE people were hot dogs. But... The reason why people bought them a lot, not ZLA KOLEJNOSC SLOW was that the hot dogs were delicious. ( Nie wiem jakiej użyć tu konstrukcji aby powiedzieć że ,, dochód ze sprzedaży był przeznaczony na dom dziecka w okolicy") NAPISZ 'WENT TO' This year, the music was not brilliant. There were some terrible singers in the competition. One of the competitors fall TO JEST BEZOKOLICZNIK down the
scene INNE SLOWO. That was extremly ORTOGR funny!
The only thing I'd suggest changing next year is the place where PRZEDIMEK event is organised. IT should be twice bigger! If you are looking for a really friendly event with brilliant bands and tasty food you must take part in the next ,,Chartity Fun Day"[/quote]
dziwnie brzmi, gdy piszesz sugestie dotyczące imprezy, ktora sam zorganizowales.