Ok skończyłam, wiadomość do terri; nie zrobiłam tego skrótu ponieważ liczy się to jako jedno słowa, a mnie ogranicza limit - 250, obecnie jest ich 264, może nauczycielka się nie kapnie :P Nie wiem czy czegoś nie ominęłam z poprzednich postów, mam nadzieję, że nie. Nie poprawiłam tez wstępu tak jak radził mg, może zostałam źle zrozumiana, ale chciałam zrobić takie jakby opowiadanie, a potem przejść do rzeczy :P Podkreśliłam znowu to czego nie jestem pewna.
Help with every step
The race commenced with the firing of the starter's gun. They’re running. You can see sweat on their foreheads. They’re quick and motivated. They aren’t running for their own benefit – they’re doing it for Alice – a little girl with a congenital heart defect.
The charity run took place on Saturday, 25 April 2015. As soon as I heard about such event, I immediately decided to help in organizing it. Pro-social activities, especially helping other people, may be said to be trendy among young people nowadays. I decided to take part in the action for different reasons. My mother always told me how important it was to help other people selflessly. Helping others gives me a lot of satisfaction and the feeling that I do something good.
All collected funds
will be transferred to Alice, who was born with a heart defect. Due to her declining health she
should have another operation in the near future. Thanks
to involvement of the participants in the race, Alice has a chance for a normal life.
There are many reasons for helping others. Not only does this give us a great sense of satisfaction, but it leads to the sense of belonging - you have a positive impact on someone else’s life. There are endless ways to volunteer, so identify a need and determine how you can contribute.
So what’s my next project? I’m thinking of joining some new
charity organization – maybe another race or a dance workshop for deaf people? Remember: your selfless help can be something small , or the start of something big.