Co cie najbardziej denerwuje

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze czy ktos moze sprawdzic moje zadanie???

Mialam napisac co mnie najbardziej irytuje, denewuje lub z czym mam problem..

I usually have a problem and I am angry when I sleep and the people knocking to my door and ask: "Did you buy a toilet paper"? or "Did you buy multicolor material"?
About 5 days ago the same people knocking to my door when I cook and they ask me:"Did you buy eggs"?
OMG I nothing said , I only noisy close my door.
Last time I was angry today morning when my fiance take a shower and left much water on the floor. I hate it.
I usually have a problem and I am angry when I sleep and the NIEPOTRZEBNY PRZEDIMEK, MOWISZ OGOLNIE O JAKICHS LUDZIACH people knocking< -ZŁA FORMA to< -ZŁE SŁOWO my door and ask: "Did you buy a PAPIER NIE JEST POLICZALNY toilet paper"? or "Did you buy multicolor material"?
About 5 days ago the same people knocking ZŁA FORMA, TO JEST PRZESZŁOŚĆ to TO SAMO my door when I cook ZŁA FORMA and they ask ZŁA FORMA me:"Did you buy eggs"?
OMG I nothing SAIDI DID NOT SAY ANYTHING , I only noisy close ZŁA FORMA my door LOUDLY.
Last time I was angry todayTHIS morning when my fiance takeZŁA FORMA a shower and left< -TU JEST OK much water on the floor. I hate it.
Last time I got angry was this....
Dziekuje Bardzo za poprawe.. tylko w dalszym ciagu niewiem co wstawic zamiast tego ((to))...

I usually have a problem and I am angry when I sleep and people knock ((to)) my door and ask:"Did you buy toilet paper"? or "Did you buy multicolour material?"
About 5 days ago the same people knocked ((to)) my door when I cooked and they asked me: " Did you buy eggs"?
Did not say anything. I only closed my door loudly.
Last time I was angry this morning when my fiance took a shower and left much water on the floor. I hate it.
on the door
I did not say anything
left much water raczej nie;)
Dziekuje dziekuje dziekuje
Milego wieczoru
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.