Streszczenie pracy inżynierskiej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)
Czy ktoś mógłby mi sprawdzić streszczenie pracy inżynierskiej? Tematem mojej pracy jest projekt proekologicznego wielorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego.

The design of environmentally concoius low multifamily building
The purpose of engineering work is designing the environmentally conscious miltifamily building in Warsaw distict of Białołęka.
This work presents an overview of the types of multifamily buildings and general rules nad regulations according to Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure.
The second part includes green building issues. Moreover, there is examples of ecological residential buildings. The following objects ale analyzed: residential and comercial building BedZED in the Great Britain, residential and corporate office Unity located in Warsaw and complex of multifamily houses in Hard (Australia).
In the design part of engineering work determined: location conditions for the planned building, functional-utility program, architectural and construction solutions, basic design, material and installations data and also the requirements of Fire Safety. The next chapter describes the use ecological solutions. Green roof constituing a thrermal buffer, photovoltaic cells assembled in modules fixing on a flat roof, solar panels situated on the the southern site od building. Building will be heated by the heat pump. Proper air exchange provides air-to-air ventilation with heat recovery supplying fresh air extracting the used one.
The drawing part comprises: land development plan, foundation plan, ground floor plan, floor plan, section of the biulding, view of the facade of eastern, southern, western and northen and reinforcement drawings.
In the computing part was made power calculations. There are also the structural design of the stairs and reinforced concreto column.
The designed building complies with the requirements of Construction Law and technology. The calculations were made on the basis of harmonized European standards.
The design of environmentally 'concoius' (co to za slowo?) 'low' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) multi-family building
The purpose of 'engineering work' (o czym tu piszesz, przeciez to jest THESIS- a nie 'praca' - dlaczego do chol...uzywasz kiepskiego tlumacza) is designing 'the' (zly przedimek) environmentally conscious 'miltifamily' (blad ortog) building in (brak przedimka) Warsaw 'distict' (ortog) of Białołęka.
This work presents an overview of the types of multifamily buildings and (ja dalabym tutaj przedimek) general rules nad regulations according to Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure.
The second part includes 'green building' (czy ten building jest zielony? nie jest jasno napisane o co chodzi) issues.
szkoda mojego czasu na kiepski translator.

To jest ZA DLUGIE....nie masy jeszcze pojecia jak pisze sie streszczenia. Poszukaj w necie.


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