This paper 'is about' (to jest za malo formalne okreslenie, lepiej, 'concerns') (brak przedimka) finite elements analysis of impact localization system based on (tutaj wg mnie pasowal by przedimek) model of the beam with piezoelectric elements, which was preceded by (przedimek) simplified model of the beam. (przedimek) theoretical part describes (przedimek) methods used for impact localisation based on the propagating wave caused by the impact.
'The experimental part contains model of the beam with piezoelectric elements, which was preceded by simplified model of the beam' (to zdanie juz raz masz, nawet ja, moge tyle pamietac, nie trzeba sie powtarzac).
In (przedimek) case of (przedimek) simplified model of the beam, (przedimek) solution for the time-domain displacement response was measured. In (przedimek) case of (przedimek) model of the beam with piezoelectric elements, (przedimek) solution for the time-domain voltage response was measured.
'There were' (tego pojecia nie rozumiem, czy masz na mysli 'these'?) caused by force at selected points on the surface of the 'beam applied' (to niema sensu- nie rozumiem tego) . Based on (przedimek) results, the algorithm to locate coordinates of (przedimek) impact was created and applied to the system. Impact localization system was tested and 'error' (jak jest tylko jedna, to 'the error' jak jest wiecej, to moze byc 'the prepondence of an error) was measured. (przedimek) error for (przedimek) simplified model of the beam 'was range' (to jest zle, tutaj 'ranged') from 3.22% to 8.21% for linear approximation and from 0.02% to 0.13% for third-degree polynomial approximation. (przedimek) error for (przedimek) model of the beam with piezoelectric elements was from 0.18% to 3.62%.
Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the) - ale chyba sam to tez wiesz.