Root Causes of Terrorism

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Expository essay on Root Causes of Terrorism

Hundreds of innocent youth attending a rock metal concert in France were gunned down. People had been begging for their lives in despair but they were in a wrong place at a wrong time. The Islamic State militants were on a mission. Cold-blooded mass executions just a part of their plan to threaten Europe and pay homage to Allah. Terrorists have never been as organized and fearful as they are today. Things got so far that the world leaders unite in an incessant war against the perpetrators. The turmoil that the ISIS causes, makes people wonder why in this day and age must they fear the Muslim barbarians. There are three main reasons why terrorism still exists and why it will not vanish so quickly, mainly: Islam is an old, extreme and widely practiced religion, the outburst of the Muslim population to acts of violence is barely noticeable, finally terrorists have their hush and dedicated sponsors.

People are mortal and need to believe in something. There are many religions, a whole lot of different ideas and approaches, some of us are atheists. All of that is appropriate. For centuries people of various beliefs have been coexisting and if a war broke out, money and power were its root causes. But one particular faith has always been extremely out of control and that is Muslim’s in Allah. It is virtually impossible to get rid of Islam, as its doctrine ingrained in Islamists’ value systems a long time ago. Of course, the vast majority of the believers are not violent, nonetheless they are passive-aggressive and quietly approving of the extremists like the ISIS.

The population of 1.5 billion Muslims spreads all around the world and increases alarmingly in Europe. What one should understand is that those people often do not respect different religious denominations along with choosing not to assimilate with the societies of the countries they migrate into. Muslims do not care, they are passive in this matter, dormant regarding their stance against the ISIS. The followers of Allah are the core issue themselves. None outcry of the Islamic society on 9/11 was noticed, the same happened with the most recent slaughter in Bataclan and all the other Muslim related terrorists attacks. European invasion of Islamists is particularly dangerous, while their primary target – infidel – are for the asking, oblivious and defenseless.

Resources and equipment are expensive. To go to war one side has to be economically prepared. The only reason the ISIS is still running its operations is because they have side sponsors. It is politically incorrect and dangerous media-wise for countries like Turkey or Saudi Arabia to admit out in the open that they do in fact have strong business relations with extremists and that they do endorse their campaigns. Nowadays, Barbarians drive Toyota Jeeps and they have the necessary fittings to be at war. It all would not be possible without an outside help and political backup. The Islamic State is able to do business due to its vast crude oil fields although their resources are gradually diminishing in the result of the U.S. and Russian bombarding.

Terrorism is an old and sustainable resolution for Muslim extremists to spread the Allah word and threaten so called infidel. Due to the fact there are more and more Islamists, their arch goal – to rule and constantly endanger the world may be eventually accomplished. The hatred and overwhelming dormancy radiating from sprawling Islamic society is an alarming sign for the peaceful world as we know it. This is the main reason why terrorism is not overcame yet and projections imply it would not vanish for years to come. Terrorists have their dedicated and secret sponsors who will remain partners as long as they get the oil in return. Luckily the ISIS extremists are slowly running out of resources and thus power. The fact that in future, unless some precautions are taken, terrorism will still have solid ground to stay on is not to be disputed. The rest of the world has to do everything in its power to prevent that from happening.
Expository essay on (brak przedimka) Root Causes of Terrorism
Hundreds of innocent 'youth' (tutaj masz l. poj, a potrzebna jest l. mn bo piszesz 'hundreds') attending a rock metal concert in France were gunned down. People had been begging for their lives in despair but they were in 'a' (zly przedimek) wrong place at 'a' (moze byc, ale to jest znana phraza, daj inny przedimek) wrong time.
Cold-blooded mass executions (tutaj brakuje czasownika) just a part of their plan to threaten Europe and pay homage to Allah.
Things (tutaj brakuje slowa 'have') got so far that the world leaders unite in an incessant war against the perpetrators. The turmoil that 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) ISIS causes, makes people wonder why in this day and age 'must they fear' (wg mnie zla kol slow...they must fear) the Muslim barbarians. There are three main reasons why terrorism still exists and why it will not vanish so quickly, mainly: Islam is an old, extreme and widely practiced religion, the outburst of the Muslim population to acts of violence is barely noticeable, finally terrorists have their 'hush' (daj inne slowo) and dedicated sponsors.

There are many religions, a whole lot of different ideas and approaches, some of 'us' (nie ujmuj to tak, bo wczesniej piszesz 'people;'-oni, a teraz 'us' my?) are atheists.
But one particular faith has always been extremely out of control and that is 'Muslim’s in Allah' (tego nie za bardzo rozumiem, ujmij to inaczej). It is virtually impossible to get rid of Islam, as its 'doctrine' (daj l. mn. bo maja wiecej jak jedna) (brak czasownika) ingrained in Islamists’ value systems a long time ago. Of course, the vast majority of the believers are not violent, nonetheless they are passive-aggressive and quietly approving of 'the' (niepotr) extremists like the ISIS.

What one should understand is that 'those people' (nie jest to za ladnie ujete, lepiej jakos inaczej) often do not respect different religious denominations along with choosing not to assimilate with the societies of the countries they migrate into. Muslims do not care, they are passive in this matter, dormant regarding their stance against 'the' (niepotr) ISIS.
'None' (zle slowo, tutaj NO) outcry of the Islamic society on 9/11 (ale gdzie? napisz) was noticed, the same happened with the most recent slaughter in Bataclan and all the other Muslim related terrorists attacks. European invasion of Islamists is particularly dangerous, while their primary target – (brak przedimka) infidel – are for the asking, oblivious and defenseless.

The only reason 'the' (niepotr) ISIS 'is' (ja dalabym tutaj ARE) still running 'its' (zmien to na 'their') operations is because they have 'side' (daj inne slowo) sponsors.
Nowadays, Barbarians drive Toyota Jeeps and they have the necessary 'fittings' (daj inne slowo) to be at war. 'It all' (nie, daj to inaczej...All of it) would not be possible without 'an' (daj inne slow, np 'any') outside help and political backup. The Islamic State is able to do business due to its vast crude oil fields although their resources are gradually diminishing 'in' (zle slowo, tutaj 'as') the result of the U.S. and Russian bombarding.

Terrorism is an old and sustainable resolution for Muslim extremists to spread the Allah word and threaten (brak przedimka) so called infidel.
This is the main reason why terrorism is not 'overcame' (zle slowo, tutaj 'overcome') (daj slowo 'as') yet and projections imply it would not vanish for years to come. Terrorists have their dedicated and secret sponsors who will remain partners as long as they get 'the' (ok, ale ja dalabym 'their') oil in return. Luckily the ISIS extremists are slowly running out of resources and 'thus' (o.k. ale mozna dac 'ultimately' their) power. The fact that in (przedimek) future, unless some precautions are taken, terrorism will still have solid ground to stay on is not to be disputed.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the), trzeba nad tym popracowac.
Cytat: cobjay93
choosing not to assimilate with the societies of the countries they migrate into

znasz różnicę między 'assimilate' a 'integrate'?
Luckily the ISIS extremists are slowly running out of resources...Really ? So are they? I 'd say that they've still been going on pretty well despite all the air- raids here and there. Yet it seems that it'll take longer than expected to rid the world of ISIS for good . They are just too wide-spread and still ,too powerful throughout the area to weed them out once and for all.
Dziękuję terri

Robbertoxx - I believe they'll eventually be wiped out but Islam is the issue here not ISIS or Al-Kaida
edytowany przez cobjay93: 10 lut 2016
warto dodać, że merytoryczna strona twojego wypracowania jest bardzo mierna, bo zamiast dokonać własnej analizy, powtarzasz tylko opinie podszyte ksenofobią, ktore w Polsce przeważają
^ This
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