krotkie 3 zdania prosze o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
You must beggining talk with people from your clas.
Offer to help with homework.
You be kind and cultural.
Nie rozumiem o co chodzi, jak o poprawienie to
You must 'beginning' (zla czesc mowy) (brak slowa) talk with people from your clas (ortog)
Offer to help (ale komu?) with (tu cos brak) homework.
You (brak najmniej modala) be kind and cultural.
a teraz ?
You can begin talk with people from your class.
Offer to help people from school with their homework.
You have to be be kind and cultural.
przed talk brakuje slowa (to jest bezokolicznik)
po talk napisz 'to', a nie 'with'
reszta ok


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