Opis zdjęcia/obrazu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie opisu 'zdjęcia' i ewentualną opinię.
Link do zdjęcia: http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/may/04/princess-beatrice-royal-wedding-hat


In the contemporary world people derive from the advantages and above all from the power given them with the development of the Internet. In order to express their opinion about current affairs they don’t hesitate to use various forms as simple comments tend to ‘disappear in the crowd’ of innumerable ones. One of the most recognisable photographs of recent years comprises ‘the Situation Room’, the photo taken by a White House photographer Pete Souza on 1st May 2011, showing the president of the United States with his entourage during monitoring the Operation ‘Neptune Spear’, and the unforgettable British princess Beatrice’s hat, worn by her on the occasion of the wedding of prince William with Catherine Middleton on 29th April 2011. Taken by an anonymous web surfer, it shows that he is merciless to everybody who has deserved to, even if somebody is a member of the royal family. To my mind, seemingly an inconspicuous detail can change the perception of a work of art, exactly as in this case.

In the foreground there is the middle-sized varnished desk, on which it is easy to notice five PCs, two cups and some papers. What is more important, there is a group of people (more specifically—politicians, as we may conclude for instance from the formal clothes- shirts, ties and jackets ) assembled around the table. The most riveting the attention is the person sitting in the black leather armchair, wearing the ink-coloured uniform with the great amount of badges. Next to him, on the left side, we can see undoubtedly the most recognisable man in this pic, namely Barack Obama, the president of the USA. Surprisingly, he is sitting neither in the centre nor in the tallest chair. On the right Hilary Clinton seems to be the most eye-catching person, mainly thanks to her facial expression and her hand put to her mouth, probably as a sight of taking watched events very emotionally. In the background the crowd is so engrossed in a current situation taking place somewhere in Pakistan as though it is the most decisive moment of the mission aiming to kill the leader of Al- Qaeda – Osama bin Laden. This view might be said to be just the one showing the US-president’s national security team and himself as well, if, as the proverb says, the devil were not in details. Eight bizarre oatmeal hats resembling an up-to-date bow are supposed to remind us about the famous slip-up of princess Beatrice due to which she laid herself open to ridicule.

This is one of the pictures that cannot be passed by indifferently. In the original version not only does it arouse the feeling of suspense and sublimity caused by the concentration visible to the naked eye, but it is also quite historical. Nevertheless, one look at the ‘Beatrice’s part’ of the collage is enough to break the spell. As it has been already mentioned, one detail is able to change everything. The task of this photograph is no longer the same, now an attention of viewers ought to be focused on the hats and therefore on the entertaining aspect of the pic. After having watched it for the first time, of the Operation Neptune Spear has not preoccupied me anymore, no matter how serious it is; the specific headgear has just been making me smile each time I have seen it. However, to my mind there is also the other side of the medal, namely, the contrast between two significant events epitomises a lack of the seriousness of web surfers who think only about trivial matters instead of considering the effects of the death of the leader of the terroristic organisation.

‘One swallow does not make a summer ‘ – says the popular proverb. But in this case it does. We can laugh, gazing at the photograph with American politicians, serious as it is. And all of this thanks to eight hats.
In the contemporary world people derive (ale co? pleasure/pain, musisz napisac) from the advantages (ale jakie? ze ktos jest ladny, brzydki, wysoki...musisz napisac - bo to nie jest jasne) and above all from the power given (wg mnie tutaj brakuje slowa, chociaz niektorzy (ci co nie wiedza, nie uzywaja) them with the development of the Internet (nie rozumiem co internet ma do czego? nie jest jasno z tego zdania.). In order to express their opinion about current affairs they don’t hesitate to use various forms (np. jakich musisz wytlumaczyc) as simple comments tend to ‘disappear in the crowd’ of innumerable ones. One of the most recognisable photographs of recent years 'comprises' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) ‘the Situation Room’, the 'photo' (jestem starodawna, i lubie 'photographs') taken by a White House photographer Pete Souza on 1st May 2011, showing the 'president' (duza litera) of the United States with his entourage during (brak przedimka) monitoring (brak slowa) the Operation ‘Neptune Spear’, and the unforgettable British 'princess' (duza litera) Beatrice’s hat, worn by her on the occasion of the wedding of 'prince' (duza litera) William 'with' (chociaz ja wole 'to') Catherine Middleton on 29th April 2011. Taken by an anonymous web surfer, it shows that he is merciless to everybody who 'has deserved to' (cos tu nie tak, nie rozumiem tego), even if somebody is a member of the 'royal family' (duze litery). To my mind, seemingly an inconspicuous detail can change the perception of 'a' (zly przedimek) work of art, exactly as in this case.

In the foreground there is 'the' (zly przedimek) middle-sized varnished desk, on which it is easy to notice five 'PCs,' (wytlumacz co to jest) two (ale jakich? silver? bronze? musisz napisac dokladniej) cups and some (ale jakich? newspapers, documents?) papers.
The most 'riveting the attention' (tego nie rozumiem, cos tu nie tak) is the person sitting in the black leather armchair, wearing 'the' (zly przedimek) ink-coloured uniform with 'the' (zly przedimek) great amount of badges. Next to him, on the left (dodaj slowo 'hand') side, we can see undoubtedly the most recognisable man in this 'pic' (photograph), namely Barack Obama, the 'president' (duza litera) of the USA. On the right Hilary Clinton (wytlumacz kim ona byla wtedy) seems to be the most eye-catching person, mainly thanks to her facial expression and her hand put to her mouth, probably as a sight of 'taking' (nioe rozumiem, uzycia tego slowa) 'watched' (zle slowo, tutaj 'watching') (brak przedimka) events very emotionally. In the background the crowd is so engrossed in 'a' (zly przedimek, tutaj specificzna) current situation taking place somewhere in Pakistan as though it is the most decisive moment of the mission 'aiming' (zle slowo, tutaj 'aimed') 'to kill' (zle - tutaj 'at killing') the leader of Al- Qaeda – Osama bin Laden. This view might be said to be just the one showing the US-'president’s' (duza litera) national security team 'and himself as well' (ja bym to dala inaczej..together with himself) (tutaj trzeba cos dodac, moze slowo 'as') if, as the OLD proverb says, the devil 'were not' (dlaczego 'were' jak mowisz 'devil', i generalnie, to sie mowi 'the devil IS in the details, a tutaj wyglada odwrotnie) in details.
(musisz dodac jakies zdanie, ze teraz mowisz o czyms innym, mozna 'In the second example..) Eight bizarre oatmeal 'hats' (cos to nie tak) resembling an up-to-date bow are supposed to remind us about the famous slip-up of Princess Beatrice 'due to' (zle - tutaj daj 'after') which she laid herself open to ridicule.

In the original version not only does it arouse the feeling of suspense and sublimity caused by the concentration visible to the naked eye, but it is also quite 'historical' (ja bym to dala inaczej...historically significant).
As 'it has been already mentioned' (to jest bardzo, a bardzo po polsku, wystarczy 'already noted'), one detail is able to change everything. The task of this photograph is no longer the same, now 'an' (zly przedimek) attention of viewers ought to be focused on the hats and therefore on the entertaining aspect of the 'pic' (nie jestem pewna czy mozna nazywac to pictyure, to jest raczej photograph). After 'having watched' (nie, dlatego ze to jest zdjecie/pictture, to mozesz 'seeing it' - nie mozna 'watching' picture) it for the first time, 'of' (niepotr) the Operation Neptune Spear has not preoccupied me anymore, no matter how serious it is; (dodaj tutaj slowo albo 'however' albo 'but') the specific headgear has just been making me smile each time I 'have seen'(zly czas, tutaj 'see') it. However, to my mind there is also the other side of the medal, namely, the contrast between two significant events WHICH epitomises a lack of the seriousness of web surfers who think only about trivial matters instead of considering the effects of the death of the leader of the 'terroristic' (zle slowo, tutaj 'terrorist') organisation.

‘One swallow does not make a summer ‘ – says the popular proverb (mysle, ze to jest fragment wiersza). But in this case it (tutaj mozesz dodac 'most certainly') does.

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the), mieszasz je w uzyciu.