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A TV channel has asked its young viewers to submit a description of their favourite film. The prize is two tickets to MGM Studios. Write your composition for the competition. (120-180 words)

My favorite film was directed by Quentin Tarantino, who in my opinion is the most creative and non-conventional director in the world. I appreciate his ideas, because he relates to commercial cultural and connects that with something which is differently. So I would like to cheer with my considerations about “Kill Bill”.

The main character in “Kill Bill’ is Beatrix Kiddo, who is the payment-killer. Once, while she was doing her job, she revealed that she was pregnant. Because of her unborn baby, she decided to break off with her past and start all over again. Furthermore she faked her death in front of her boss – Bill, who is also her lover and father her baby.

She wanted forgot about her past and created better life for her child. She met her new boyfriend and got the job in the video-shop. But later Bill discovered that he was cheated. He decided to reataliate for her disloyality and did massacre with his group on her wedding. She survived but… wanted to reataliate for Bill again…
co to znaczy 'commercial cultural'?
differently - zła część mowy
cheer with - niezrozumiałe
czemu wymyślasz słowa? poszukaj w slowniku jak jest 'zabójca na zlecenie'
father her baby - ojciec jej dziecko
poza tym w niektórych miejscach złe przedimki, a w innych w ogole ich nie ma
Dzięki za uwagi! :-)

Czy teraz będzie lepiej?

My favorite film was directed by Quentin Tarantino, who in my opinion is the most creative and non-conventional director in the world. I appreciate his ideas, because he relates to a commercial cultural and connects that with something which is different. So I would like to cheer with my considerations about “Kill Bill”.

The main character in “Kill Bill’ is Beatrix Kiddo, who is a professional killer. Once, while she was doing her job, she revealed that she was pregnant. Because of her unborn baby, she decided to break off with her past and start all over again. Furthermore she faked her death in front of her boss – Bill, who is also her lover and father her’s baby.

She wanted forgot about her past and created better life for her child. She met her new boyfriend and got the job in the video-shop. But later Bill discovered that he was cheated. He decided to reataliate for her disloyality and did massacre with his group on her wedding. She survived but… wanted to reataliate for Bill again…

co to znaczy 'commercial cultural'?
- kultura komercyjna?
I appreciate his ideas, because he relates to 'a commercial cultural' (to jest zle, niema sensu a do tego zla czesc zdania) and connects that with something which is different. So I would like to 'cheer' (zle slowo) with my considerations about “Kill Bill”.
'Because' (staraj sie nie zaczynac zdan z tym slowem, to nie jest jego funkcja w zdaniu) of her unborn baby, she decided to break off with her past and start all over again. Furthermore she faked her (tutaj mozna dodac slowo 'own') death in front of her boss – Bill, who is also her lover and 'father her’s' (tu pomyliles, ma byc 'her baby's father) baby.

She wanted 'forgot' (nie, tutaj 'to forget') about her past and 'created' (wg mnie zly czas, tutaj teraz.) (brak przedimka) better life for her child. She met her new boyfriend and got 'the' (chociaz wg mnie tutaj 'a' powinno byc) job in the video-shop.
He decided to 'reataliate' (blad ortog - nawet Word Ci to pokaze jako zle) for her disloyality and 'did' (to nie jest wlasciwe slowo, lepiej 'carried out') (brak przedimka) massacre with his group 'on' (moja favourite - polska kalka - tutat AT) her wedding. She survived but… wanted to 'reataliate' (popraw) 'for' (to jest zle slowo) Bill again…

commercial cutural - prosze napisac to wg zasad ang. gramatyki
Bardzo dziękuję Ci za uwagi!
Dużo mi to pomaga w nauce. :-) Chciałabym lepiej władać językiem, a jak widać proste ćwiczenia dla licealistów sprawiają mi problem. ;( No nic, mam nadzieję, że kolejne ćwiczenia będą lepsze. Poprawione. Jeśli ktoś ma jeszcze jakieś uwagi, przyjmuję chętnie.

I appreciate his ideas, because he relates to commercial art and connects that with something which is different. So I would like to share with my considerations about “Kill Bill”.
Due to of her unborn baby, she decided to break off with her past and start all over again. Furthermore she faked her own death in front of her boss – Bill, who is also her lover and her baby's father.

She wanted forget about her past and create a better life for her child. She met her new boyfriend and got a job in the video-shop.
He decided to retaliate for her disloyality and carried out a massacre with his group at her wedding. She survived but… wanted to retaliate Bill again…
So I would like to share 'with' (po co to slowo tutaj jest? ono jest niepotr) (I'd like to share my car, bike, my considerations..) my 'considerations' (mysle, ze to jest nietrafne slowo, moze 'reflections', zobacz co to znaczy w slowniku) about “Kill Bill”.

She wanted TO forget about her past and TO create a better life for her child. She met her new boyfriend and got a job in 'the' ('the' tylko jak to byl jeden jedyny sklep, jak jeden z wielu to wtedy 'a') video-shop.
He decided to 'retaliate' (to slowo mi sie nie podoba, trzeba inne) for her disloyality and carried out a massacre with his group at her wedding. She survived but… wanted to 'retaliate' (poszukaj jakies inne slowo, wiecej 'bloody') Bill again…
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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