Hejka wszystkim, mam problem - nie jestem w stanie przetłumaczyć tekstu. Korzystałem ze słownika ale nawet z taką pomocą wychodzą totalne bzdury, pozbawione sensu zdania. Byłby ktoś miły i pomógł w tłumaczeniu tego na język polski? z góry dziękuję! :)
"everything will be all right," i told myself. "They have Plasticine." It was September 1978, i was five years old and Mrs Abbott's reception class hummed with the magic aroma of putty. The other smell was milk. And how special i felt when presented with my first, perfecly formed third-of-a-pint bottle, whose glistening foil lid I pierced with a green straw. I loved it because it made me feel grown-up while also reminding me of home. Pacing around the classroom as we sucked furiously at our straws was Mrs Abbott, a giant figure in a turquoise twinset and pudding bowl haircut. She was kindly and old-fashioned, strict but matemal; everything you would hope for in your first teacher. But not even she could bring me comfort. How big everything seemed, and how noisy. You had to climb huge steps to the classrooms, and in the assembly hall my feet dangled akwardly from the long wooden benches. That first morning i sat at the end because I thought I'd spotted and unwrapped toffee. But when I reached out to grab it, it turned out to be the end of the wooden peg holding the bench together. I looked around sheepishly, hoping no one had seen. I don't recall speaking to anyone or making friends that day but i can picture myself sitting at my desk, trying to work out which hand should hold a pencil in case we started the writing that i longed to learn. And i spent a lot of time worrying about where the toilets were (a few days later i would arrive home in boys' shorts and football socks, the humiliating spare kit for anyone who hadn't made it in time). At the end of this day, my mother asked me how it had gone. "Not very well" i replied. They haven't taught me to read and write yet.