Modals part 2 duużo zadań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
7. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use between 2 and 5 words.
I'm sure she forgot to check hr messages. HAVE
She must have forgotten to check her messages.

I'm sure they arent sleeping right now. BE
They cant be sleeping right now.

Perhaps Tommy has left already HAVE
Tommy may have left already.

I'm sure they moved house. MUST
They must have moved house.

She is propably too shy to run for class president. BE
She may be to shy to run.....

I'm sure she wasnt lying to her parents BEEN
She cant have been lying to her parents

Its possible he missted the last train HAVE
He may have missed ...

8. Rephrase the following sentences in as many ways as possible.
Jeśli jakąś opcję pominęłam prosiłabym o poinformowanie :P

We arent allowed to talk during the lesson.
You musnt talk during the lesson/Its forbidden to talk...

It is possible that Alex will be at the gym this afternoon
Alex may be ath the gym.../Alex will be propably..../Alex is likely to be at...

Benjamin managed to pass his final exams
He was able to pass........

its forbidden to cross the border without a passport
You musnt/arent allowed to cross....

yOU RE obligated to pay your rent
You have to pay..

I'm certain the girls went to cheerleading practice
The girls must have gone......

It isnt necessary for them to send than-you card
It isnt obligatory for them to......../They dont have to/dont need to/neednt send........

I advise you to see a dentist
You had better see../You should/ought to...

How about taking a walk throught the park?
Shall we take a walk.../Would you like to take....

9. Complete each sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.Use the word in bold
There's no sign of them I'm sure they're out BE
They must be out

Stopping on a motorway is forbidden NOT
Drivers are not allowed to stop on a motorway.

The doctor advised her to stay home for a few days. SHOULD
Tutaj nie mam pojęcia :')
She was suggested that she sould stay home for a few...

It was very unkind of them to ignore her HAVE
They shouldnt have ignoed her.

It wasnt necessary for you to bring an umbrella. HAVE
You neednt have brought an umbrella

Thay ;; probably go on holiday to ... LIKELY
Its likely that they will go on holiday to..

Now she lives nearby so she's able to walk to school CAN
She can walk to school now that she lives nearby

Its possible tat he left it behind earlier MIGHT
He might have left....

They were obligated to go throught the body scanner HAD
They had to go throught...

You musnt talk during th exam ALLOWED
You arent allowed to talk...

Im sure she lied you LIED
She must have lied..

It wasnt necessary for him to drive me to the station as I took a taxi NEED
he didnt need to drive me..

He managed to win the race ABLE
He was able to win...

I advise you not to let her go HAD
You had better not let her go

1. Identify the use of each verb in bold in the sentence
EXAMPLE: She doesnt hae to fill in the form - absence of necessity
They could have drowned - criticism?
I must go to bed now. presence of necessity/compulsion
We ought to inform her about the change in plans - advice ?
He might come later presence of possibility
You had better apologise for what uoy did - advice
You should have called me - criticism
that cant be simon He is away on bussines logical assumption?
Ann had to wear a uniform when she was in school - presence of necessity
Were you able to reach them on the phone ? - presence of ability for one particular action in the past

2.W puste miejsca wstaw must, mustn't, can, needn't.

"As you are new to our publishing company, I would like to tell you some of our rules. First of all, you 1) …………… stay at your desk and avoid socialising around your floor. Of course, you 2) …………….. speak with each other, but only if it relates to work. You 3) …………… text or email your friends; that is not allowed. Whenever you enter or leave the building, you 4) ……………… swipe your card and you 5) ………………. forget to inform the front desk if you are going to be late or absent. Now, as far as supplies are concerned, employees 6) …………… buy anything; we have a full supply section on the third floor. Also, if you need supplies we don't have, you 7) ................. ask the secretary to order them for you."

3. . W puste miejsca wstaw must, should, may, might, could, can't.

L: Lisa - J: Jason

L: I can't find the report I was working on last night. I 1) ……………………. (leave) it in
the car.
J: I don't think so. I've just cleaned the car and I didn't find anything in there. It
2) ..................... (still/lie) on your desk.
L: I thought I 3) ...................... (leave) it there, but it wasn't there when I looked.
J: You 4) ............................... (put) it in your bag as soon as you finished, you know.
L: Thanks for the advice! Well, that's what I thought did. I 5) .......................... (think)
of something else when I got up to put it away. Now I don't know where it is!
J: What about the gift bag we took over to Mary's yesterday? You 6) ..........................
(place) it in there.
L: Oh my! What if I did? l'm so absent-minded at times. Mary 7) ............................
(sleep). I'll call her right away and ask her. How 8) .............................. (I/be) so
odp must have left, may still be lying, could have left, may have put, must have thought, may have placed, may be sleeping, could I be

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1. He has been studying all night.
A He must be tired.
B He can't be tired.
2. Oh no! My credit card isn't in my purse
A I must have left it in the ATM.
B I can't have left it in the ATM.
3. Everything is wet outside.
A It must have rained overnight.
B It can't have rained overnight.
4. There's a moving van outside the house.
A The new neighbours can't be moving in.
B The new neighbours may be moving in
odp AAAB

. Wybierz właściwą formę.

I: Irena - O: Otto
I: I'm planning to continue my studies in England. What do I 1) need/should to do before I get
O: Well, first you will need your student visa. You 2) shouldn't/can't have a problem after the
school has accepted your application.
I: 3) Would/Should I rent my own flat?
O: Well, you 4) had better/must stay in a Hall of Residence the first year because it's cheaper.
5) Must/Can you get a student loan?
I: Yes, I think so. I also 6) need/may to find a part-time job when I get there because my parents
7) don't have to/can't support me at all.
O: Well, just remember that with a student visa you 8) will be able/ought to work ten hours a
week at the most.
I: It used to be 20 hours before, I think. Oh well, then I 9) might/need look into babysitting jobs
for extra cash.
O: I'm sure you will be all right. Life in London 10) can/would be expensive. However, the
minimum wage is OK and shopping for food 11) can/must be cheap if you know where to go.
I: OK. Thanks. I 12) had better/might get started on my application then.
odp need, shouldnt,should,had better,can, need, cant, will be able to, might, would, can had better

Wybierz odpowiedni wyraz.

Although bad eating habits are hard to break, it can be done. First of all, you 1) …………. rid your fridge and cupboards of all junk food. You 2) ........... replace it with healthy snacks like carrot sticks, fresh fruit or whole-wheat crackers, for those unbearable hungry moments. Secondly, you 3) .............. plan your meals ahead of time. This way, you 4) .................. avoid poor last-minute decisions. One thing you 5) ............. do is go shopping hungry. Avoid that at all costs; it can lead to disaster! Lastly, you 6) ............... increase the amount of water you drink, as it helps your body Work properly Of course, you 7) .............. take extreme measures; just take things one step at a time and before you know it, you will be eating and feeling healthier.

If you want to be healthy and live longer, you 8) ............. start exercising. You 9) .............. begin with something tiring at first. A daily walk in your neighbourhood is all that you need to get started. Don't forget that a life without exercise 10) .................. lead to many serious health issues, like strokes, heart attacks and even high cholesterol. Once you have put walking into the programme and are feeling better, you 11) ................ take it a step further and join a gym. By adding a proper diet and exercise to your daily routine, you 12) ................... maintain your body's good condition. In fact, if you give your body the rest that it needs to renew lost energy, you 13) …………… to feel better while leading a healthier lifestyle.

1 A might B should C are able D would
2 A might B will C Would D can
3 A ought to B would C able to D shall
4 A can B must C ought D should
5 A mightn't B mustn't C wouldn't D needn't
6 A shall B have to C might D may
7 A can't B ought not C needn't D may not
8 A might B ought C have to D shall
9 A won't B may not C mightn't D do not have to
10 A ought B may C would D should
11 A can B would C ought D might
12 A could B would C should D will be able
13 A must B ought C can D would


the doctor told her that she should...
nie, nie criticism, chodzi o 'możliwość'
w tych pustych miejscach (2) więszkość źle
nie sprawdzałem dokładnie wszystkich zadań, ale ogólnie wiekszosc dobrze
w tym drugim to nwm czemu ale jakies zle odp pododawalam
mozliwosc al jak napisze possibility to nwm czy to, porawnie
Czy dobrze czytam? Pierwsze ćw. odpowiedzi mają zawierać do 5 liter, czyli niektóre odpadają.
Cytat: Aaric
Czy dobrze czytam? Pierwsze ćw. odpowiedzi mają zawierać do 5 liter, czyli niektóre odpadają.

tam jest napisane 'complete the sentences', czyli fragmenty zdań już są podane, tylko Patrycja ich nie zaznaczyła
ale bo to jest tak że neiktore wyrazy zostały podane tzn na poczatku i na koncu a ja mam tylko "środek uzupelnić" i w nim ma sie znalesc tyle a tyle wyrazow
co do tego doktora tak nie moze być jst tak:
The doctor advised her to stay home for a few weeks. SHOULD
She....................... for a few weeks
moze być was advised to stay?

i jednak przanalizowałam o tym (2) Johnson Pblishing Company według mnie wszystko ok?
i prosiłabym o spr dialogu z Lisa i Jasonem(3) bo tego pewna nie estem bo jest zeby uzyc shoud a ja tm nigdzie nie mamm
edytowany przez Patrycjaaa12: 24 mar 2016
Gdzie uzylas should w tej transformacji?
She was advised that she should stay..
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.