
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, mam do zrobienia prezentacje na angielski. Muszę przyznać, że ten język nie idzie mi zbyt dobrze dlatego chciałabym aby ktoś sprawdził jej poprawność. Poniżej wkleję część jej treści i będę bardzo wdzięczna gdy ktoś mi pomoże:

Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for coming along here tody.
Let me start by saling just a few words about us.
My name is Klaudia and this is my friend Ania. We are sociology students.
I am going to talk about sociology of the family and Ania will present sociology f the relationship.
We choose this subject because family and relationship are very import ant for pe ople and sociology. The family is basic social cell. The family borns with relationship.
1.Sociology of the family.
2. Definition of family- family is grup of people who are related marriage. They start live together, keep a house and bing up children
3. Types of families:
Nuclear family- other small family- this is two adult person who live together In household with own children Or adopted children.
Multigenerational family- other big family- this is marriage who lives In house with children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, In-laws et cetera.
Incomplite family - in this family children don't have mother or hather. The reson could be divorce or deah of a parent because Mother or father bring up children alone.
Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for coming along here tody.PISOWNIA
Let me start by saling
Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for coming along here tody.PISOWNIA
Let me start by saling NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA just a few words about us.
My name is Klaudia and this is my friend Ania. We are sociology students.
I am going to talk about sociology of the family and Ania will present sociology f the relationship. JEDNEJ RELACJI?
We choose WYBIERAMY this subject because family and relationship are very import ant for pe ople and sociology. The family is PRZEDIMEK basic social cell NAPISZ: JEDNOSTKA. The family borns
Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for coming along here tody.PISOWNIA
Let me start by saling NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA just a few words about us.
My name is Klaudia and this is my friend Ania. We are sociology students.
I am going to talk about sociology of the family and Ania will present sociology f the relationship. JEDNEJ RELACJI?
We choose WYBIERAMY this subject because family and relationship are very import ant for pe ople and sociology. The family is PRZEDIMEK basic social cell NAPISZ: JEDNOSTKA. The family borns NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA with relationship.
1.Sociology of the family.
2. Definition of family- family is PRZEDIMEK grup PISOWNIA of people who are related BY marriage ALE DZIECI NIE SA POWIAZANE MALZENSTWEM, A JEZELI CHODZI TLYKO O MALZONKOW, TO DLACZEGO PISZESZ 'GROUP'? . They start TO live together, keep a house and bing PISOWNIA up children
3. Types of families:
Nuclear family- other INNA small family- this is two adult person OSOBA who live together In PRZEDIMEK household with ICH own children Or adopted children.
Multigenerational family- other INNA big family- this is marriage TO SLOWO OZNACZA 'ZWIAZEK DWOJGA LUDZI ITP.', A NIE 'DWOJE LUDZI' who lives In PRZEDIMEK house A JAK MAJA TYLKO MIESZKANIE, TO NIE SA RODZINA? with children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, In-laws et cetera.
Incomplite PISOWNIA family - in this family children don't have PRZEDIMEK mother or hather PISOWNIA. The reson PISOWNIA could be divorce or deah PISOWNIA of a parent because PONIEWAŻ? DLATEGO KTOS UMIERA? Mother or father bring FORMA CZASOWNIKA up ICH children alone.
other nie można tłumaczyć jak 'inaczej'? Słownik tak mi tłumaczy.
Family is the grup of people who are related by marriage, live together, keep a house, origin and bing up children.
Mogłabym napisać w ten sposób?
nie, nie mozna tlumaczyc 'inaczej'

nie, nie mozes znapisac w ten sposob. Nie poprawilas ani jednego bledu ortograficznego i nadal 'malzenstwo' jest dla Ciebie 'grupą'.
W takim razie bardzo dziwne, że słownik dopuszcza taką wersje. Czy to słowo będzie odpowiednie:
No tak jest nadal dla mnie grupą ponieważ taką definicję podano mi na ćwiczeniach z socjologii. Specjaliści w tej kwestii chyba się nie mylą.
Ladies and gentleman, thank you very much for coming along here today.
Let me start by saying just a few words about us.
My name is Klaudia and this is my friend Ania. We are sociology students.
I am going to talk about sociology of the family and Ania will present sociology of the relationship.
We chose this subject because family and relationship are very import ant for pe ople and sociology. The family is the basic social cell. The family born with relationship.
1.Sociology of the family.
2. Definition of family -Family is the grup of people who are related by marriage, live together, keep a house, origin and bing up children.
3. Types of families:
Nuclear family- other small family- this is two adult persons who live together in the household with own children or adopted children.
Multigenerational family- other big family- this is marriage which lives in the house with children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, In-laws et cetera.
Incomplite family - in this family children don't have the mother or father. The reason could be divorce or dead of a parent. The mother or father brought up children alone.

Wydaje mi się, ze większość poprawek wprowadziłam. Proszę o sprawdzenie. Wiem, ze nie jest zmeinione: OTHER i to zdanie: Family is the grup of people who are related by marriage, live together, keep a house, origin and bing up children.- ale nie mam pojęcia jak to inaczej ująć, gdyż kieruję się notatkami z socjologii i tak mam to tam ujęte, gorzej z przetłumaczeniem na angielski....
zignorowalas polowe moich poprawek.
dużo Ladies i jeden Gentleman?
edytowany przez Aaric: 05 kwi 2016
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie