ProszÄ™ o sprawdzenie e-maila, matura z angielskiego pp.
Poznałaś nową osobę, z którą się zaprzyjaźniłaś. W e-mailu do przyjaciółki z Anglii:
-zrelacjonuj okoliczności, w jakich doszło do spotkania i opisz swoje pierwsze wrażenie
-opisz charakter poznanej osoby
-napisz, jakie macie wspólne zainteresowania
-zaproponuj spotkanie w czasie wakacji, sugerując co moglibyście robić we trójkę.
Z góry dziękuję. :)
Dear Pat,
I've got to tell you about someone I've met recently. In the park, where I was jogging I saw a hansome man, who was sitting on a bank. On first sight he seemed shy and peacefull. Suddently I fell down and twisted my ankle. This man came to me and help me. He's very kind and caring and obviously helpfull moreover he's got sense of humor. He said that he also liked running and played video games. I fand a person which I can spend time outdoors and have a nice time at home. You need to get to know him! Would you like to fly to me next summer holiday? You, my friend and I can jogging or sail together. We can do what you want. What do you think about this idea?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!