Proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki

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Dzień dobry, proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki nt. wady i zalety uczenia się przez dzieciaki języka obcego od najmłodszych lat.

We all know that nowadays knowledge of foreign languages is very useful. Employers look persons, who can speak in english or german due to cooperation with companies from all over the world. But is it right to children learn foreign languages since the age of three? (chodziło mi, że od trzeciego roku życia)

First of all, thanks to started a learning very early, kids have an opportunity to find out more about a foreign language. When they are older they already know basics of, for instance, english. It is very useful in school exchanges, because kids, when are very young, they have a possibility to meet people from all over the world.
Another advantage is that kids who know how to speak in a foreign language, they have after school more perspectives than other children wihtout a knowledge about diffrent languages.

On the other hand, this problem has also drawbacks.
Firstly, kids who have to learn since an early age, they can lose theirs childhood. It is very dangerous for theirs future memories. More over, a child who has to learn by heart a lot of foreign words, it can be stressed and nervous because of numerous materials to learn. For instance, my friend Tom tried to kill himself when he was young, because he had too many materials to leran.

To sum up, it seems, that learning since an early age has as many disadvantages as positive aspects. In my opinion, kids schould learn when they are young, because they will have more perspectives in the future.
'We all know' (nie, to jest za silne, sa plemiona ludzie ktorzy tego nie wiedza) that nowadays knowledge of foreign languages is very useful. Employers look (tu brakuje slowa) persons, who can speak 'in' (niepotr) 'english' (duza litera) or 'german' (duza litera - dlaczego mam to Ci przypominac, czy nie wiesz ze to nazwa wlasna) due to cooperation with companies from all over the world. But is it right 'to' (kalka z polskiego, ale jest zle) children learn foreign languages 'since' (zle slowo, tutaj FROM) the age of three?

First of all, thanks to 'started' (zle slowo) ' a' (nie wiem co to slowo tutaj robi? wytlumacz) 'learning' (lepiej 'to learn') very early, kids have an opportunity to find out more about a foreign language. When they are older they already know (brak przedimka) basics of, for instance, 'english' (popraw). It is very useful in school exchanges, because kids, when are very young, 'they' (niepotr) have 'a' (zly przedimek) possibility to meet people from all over the world.
Another advantage is that kids who know how to speak 'in' (niepotr) a foreign language, 'they' (nie rozumiem dlaczego powtarzasz) have after school more 'perspectives' (ja dalabym inne slowo) than other children 'wihtout' (ortog) 'a' 9zly przedimek) knowledge 'about' (to slowo calkowicie zmienia sens tego zdania, ja tez wiem O roznych jezykach, ale to nie znaczy ze je dokladnie znam) 'diffrent' (ortog) languages.

On the other hand, this 'problem'(a on kiedy to jest 'problem'?) has also drawbacks.
Firstly, kids who have to learn 'since' (to slowo uzywasz zle, tutaj FROM) an early age, 'they' (niepotr) can lose 'theirs' (zle slowo) childhood. It is very dangerous for 'theirs' (zle slowo) future memories. More over, a child who has to learn by heart a lot of foreign words, 'it' (na malenkie dziecko mowisz 'it' od kiedy tak mowimy?) can be stressed and nervous because of numerous materials to learn. For instance, my friend Tom tried to kill himself when he was young, because he had too many materials to 'leran' (ortog).

To sum up, it seems, that learning 'since' (nie rozumiesz jak to slowo sie uzywa - pocztaj o tym) an early age has as many disadvantages as positive aspects. In my opinion, kids 'schould' (ortog) learn when they are young, because they will have more 'perspectives' (wg mnie to jest zle slowo) in the future.

Dlaczego robisz tyle bledow ortog - jak nie jestes pewny jak slowo sie pisze, to prosze sprawdz w slowniku. Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)
Dziękuję, pisownie znam, ale za bardzo skupiam się na poprawnym ułożeniu zdania lekceważąc "tak proste" sprawy jak ortografia. Teraz przynajmniej wiem, że muszę na to zwracać uwagę.
Mam kilka pytań:
- have 'a' (zly przedimek) possibility : nie rozumiem jaki przedimek powinien być tutaj. Jest spółgłoska, pierwszy raz o tym mówię. Możesz mi wyjaśnić? Te przedimki mnie zabiją.

- than other children without 'a' (zly przedimek) knowledge .: powinno być the knowledge? Chodzi o to, że nie może być kilka "wiedz"?

- knowledge 'about' (to slowo calkowicie zmienia sens tego zdania) different languages: powinno być knowledge of?
edytowany przez Maturzysta2016: 01 maj 2016
zamiast possibility (mozliwosc) ma byc opoortunity (okazja). possibility po angielsku to tylko cos, co jest ewentualnie mozliwe.
knowledge jest niepoliczalne
tak knowledge of, a jeszcze lepiej command of albo 'the ability to speak different languages'


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