Rozmowa maturalna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.Good afternoon.
2.I would like to spend one week in Mexico.
3.I would like to leave on Friday.
4.Is it possible?
5.How much is it?
6.How can I get there?
7.Is it possible by plane?
8.What about insurance?
9.Could you tell me something more about it ?
9.Is it included in the price?
10.Could you tell me something bout the hotel ?
11.What are the facilities ?
12.Is it a five-star hotel?
13.What about excursions?
14.Are they included in the price?
15.What will I visit?

czy dobrze mam napisane te zdania?

ogolnie dobrze
gdzie to about? w którym zdaniu?


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia