Streszczenie - uzależnienia

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego streszczenia mojej pracy. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za poświęcony czas.

" Introduction: The process of aging of a society causes that the health problems of the elderly are becoming more current and require greater interest in that topic. One of those problems is the phenomenon of an alcohol dependence comorbid with smoking. Alcoholism and nicotine abuse cause dangerous complications for health and even life. Elders due to the changes occurring in performance of their bodies, associated with aging, may react with an increased sensitivity towards every negative consequence of addictions.
Aim: The aim of this work is to diagnose the health issues of the older person, who is addicted to alcohol and nicotine.
Materials and methods: The method of instrumental case study has been used in this work. Based on interview, physical examination, conducted tests and a review of medical records, analysis of the health status and the history of older person addiction to alcohol and nicotine was established.
Results: Examined man suffers from many diseases and health problems caused by a negative influence of substances abuse. In this chapter care issues and the nursing process of the examined patient were presented.
Conclusions: Effects of alcohol and nicotine abuse are the cause of many diseases when it comes to elderly people, causing significant health ailments which require the development and application of appropriate nursing interventions."
Introduction: The process of aging of a society 'causes' (nie, tu masz zle sloow, tutaj 'results' albo nawet uzyj 'means')) that the health problems of the elderly are becoming more 'current' (nie, moze sloow 'prominent' albo cos podobnego) and require greater interest (ale kogo? trzeba napisac) 'in that topic' (wg mnie niepotr). One of those problems is the phenomenon of 'an' (wg mnie niepotr) alcohol dependence 'comorbid' (nie znam tego slowa) with smoking.
'Elders' (nie, tutaj uzxyj 'the elderly', bo 'elders' to znaczy calkowicie cos innego,) due to the changes occurring in (brak przedimka) 'performance' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) of their bodies, associated with aging, may react with an increased sensitivity towards every negative consequence of addictions.
Based on (brak przedimka) interview, physical examination, conducted tests and a review of medical records, analysis of the health status and the history of (brak przedimka) older person addiction to alcohol and nicotine was established.
Results: (przedimek) examined man suffers from many diseases and health problems caused by a negative influence of 'substances' (nie, tutaj 'substance') abuse. In 'this' (ale nie piszesz ktory to jest, lepiej, in the X chapter) chapter care issues and the nursing process of the examined patient 'were' (nie, tutaj 'are') presented.
Conclusions: Effects of alcohol and nicotine abuse are the (ja tutaj dodalabym cos, np. primary, substantial cos takiego) causeS of many diseases when it comes to elderly people, causing significant health ailments which require the development and application of appropriate nursing interventions.
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