Zadanie 1
Należy uzupełnić zdania wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie, nie można zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów. Należy dodać wszystkie inne potrzebne wyrazy. W każdą lukę można wpisać max 5 wyrazów wliczając w to już podane
1 (news/just/come)............ in that Mark won't be charged with murder, but manslaughter/
odp: The news have just come
2 We (insist/you/attend)..... the workshops. They'll help you understand how the system works.
odp insis that you should attend
3. The temperature has dropped to well below zero so we (unlikely/get).... the airport on time.
odp unlikely didn't get at
4 From my point of view speaking in front of a large audience is (far/stressful)..... experience I have ever had
odp (nie mam pojęcia, znalazłam coś takiego; far the most stressful)
5 (police/still/try)....... to find out who's responsible for the accident.
odp The police is still trying
6 He (get/accustomed/commute)...... rather slowly. It must be difficult for him because he's never done it before.
odp: (też nie wiem) is getting accustomed to commuting
7 He kept chatting to our new secretary the whole evening so it (likely/he/invite).... her out soon
odp; is likely that he will invite
8 Travelling alone in India as a women (be/far/complicated)...... travelling with a male partner.
odp; i tutaj też nie wiem, zdanie podobne do zdania 4 odp is far most complicated than (niby brzmi ałkiem całkiem, ale nwm co to za konstrukcja z tym far)
Zadanie 2
Należy uzupełnic luki używając podanych obok wyrazów.
1 Why sisn't you confirm your appointment at least 2 days before it was due? OUGHT
You..... your appointment at least 2 days before it was due
odp: ought to heve confirmed
2 Despite working overtime every single day, Julia didn't manage to complete the report. THOUGH
Julia didn't manage to complete the report.... every single day
odp; hough she worked overtime
3 Everyone thought Lucy was driving the car when the accident happend, but in actual fact, she was the passenger WAS
Lucy..... the car when the accident happend, but in actual fact she was the passenger
odp; was thought to have driven
4 I need somebody to check these documents before I send them tomorrow GET
I need.......... before I send them tommorow
odp nie wiedziałam co wstawić i dałam tak; to get these documents checked
5 It was wrong of you to remind him about his failures SHOULD
You.... his failures
odp; shouldn't have reminded him about
6 Although Mia had prepared a fantastic show, the audience didn't appreciate her efforts SPITE
In.... a fantastic show the audience didn't appreciate her efforts
odp; spite of having prepared
7 They believe that power failure caused the explosion BELIEVED
The power failute.... the explosion
odp: is believed to have caused
8 I'm going to ask the accountant to prepare the annual financial eport by Mnday. GET
I'm going to..... prepare the annual financial report by Monday
odp: nie mam pojęcia dałabym have sth done ale tam niie ma prepared tylko prepare, może ktoś podpowiedzieć?
Zadanie 3
Należy przetłumaczyć umieszczone w nawiasach fragmenty zdan
1 I'm not worried about this leg but.... (a tę drugą) because it has already been broken twice
odp nwm czy jest błąd w druku? a tę drugą? domyślam ze chodzi o the other one ale jak to tu wapasowac .. but the other one beacause?!
2Can you tell me.... (dzie kupiłaś) that goregous dress?
odp where did you buy
3 I promise to book a holiday/// (z chwilą gdy dostanę) my salary
odp when I get
4 ........ (do kogo wysłałes) the invitations to?
odp zawsze mam problem z who i whom :? odp: Whom did you send
5 We drove for ... (następne 10 mil) and then we stopped to refuelodp next 10 miles
6 I wonder..... (czy Colin już zapłacił) the gas bill
odp if Colin paid for
7 I'm sure she won't call us............ (zanim nie sprawdzi) all the tests
odp before she doesn't check
8 ............(kto nie wiedzał) where the stolen goods were?
odp Who didn't know