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Second day of workshops was little different than first one. Tasks were really various but still very creative. We had many physical and in my opinion mental exercises.
At first we start our day from warm ups like yesterday and we had great fun again. After that few groups stayed in Carrolls 2 and rest of the groups went to other rooms to did different tasks. Today we were working with other groups so again we had the opportunity to know new people. I think that cooperative was really successful and equally it gave us a new idea about it that we can make when we are working together. At the time we had tasks little like acting. We were the living statues and we had to show many various situation emotion or things. For example we had to make a statue titled “i will love you till the seas run dry” or we had to be a something to eat. Subsequently everybody did own signatures in a big pieces of paper that were on the wall. After that all group was looking intently at every one of signatures and some of the people said what they think about person which did specific signature. Later we got the sheets of paper and the paints. We had the task to make our own mark and also we had to show our emotion using varies colors shapes and our imagination. For me the most relevant aspect of today’s workshop was wonder about personality of specific person which made a specific mark or signature. It was like a small lesson of psychology and what is the most important part of this lesson ? That we could be like this psychologists.
Having analyzed that we were doing in the workshop I now wonder about it that every person has interesting inside and everyone could be an artist. There is lots of ways how to show who we are and what emotions we hide inside. One of these ways is painting. Every art which anybody will do and which can show that you feel is real and beautiful in its own way. This understanding is essential to me as a learner because it opens my mind on the new aspects of my education.
(a gdzie przedimek? pojechal sobie na wakacje do cieplego kraju bo czul sie niepotrzebny?) second day of 'workshops' (wg mnie, tutaj l. poj) was (brak przedimka) little different than (przedimek) first one.
At first we 'start' (ale tutaj mowisz o przeszlosci, to czasownik musi byc w czasie przeszlym) our day 'from' (lepiej daj 'by') warm ups like yesterday and we had great fun again. After that (dalabym przedimek) few groups stayed in Carrolls 2 and rest of the groups went to other rooms to did different tasks. Today we were working with other groups so again we had the opportunity to 'know' (nie, bo de facto to nigdy nie 'znasz' nikogo - tutaj lepiej 'meet') new people. I think that 'cooperative' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'cooperation) was really successful and equally it gave us a new idea about 'it' (ale czego, nie za bardzo rozumiem) that we can 'make' (wg mnie zle slowo, moze 'use') when we are working together. At the time we had tasks 'little like' (to jest ciekawe, bo nawet nie wiem co to jest. Cos moze byc podobnego do acting - 'akin' ale nie piszemy 'little like', moze 'similar') acting. We were the living statues and we had to show many various situation emotion or 'things' (np? nie rozumiem pojecia tego slowa tutaj) . For example we had to make a statue ENtitled “'i' (a dlaczego piszesz to slowo mala litera, kiedy wszyscy inni na swiecie pisza je duza litera?) will love you till the seas run dry” or we had to be 'a' (cos mi sie to nie podoaba tutaj, moze 'pretent to be') something to eat. Subsequently everybody did THEIR own signatures 'in' ON 'a' (dlaczego dajesz przedimek przed l. mnoga?) big pieces of paper that were on the wall. After that all (brask przedimka) group was looking intently at every one of (przedimek) signatures and some of the people said what they' think' (zly czas, tutaj czas przeszly) about (przedimek) person 'which' (kiedy mowimy o ludziach to 'who') did (przedimek) specific signature.
We had the task 'to make' (nie, tutaj 'of making') our own mark and also we had to show our emotion using 'varies' (blad ortog - prosze byc pewnym jak slowo sie pisze) colors (przecinek) shapes and our imagination. For me the most relevant aspect of today’s workshop was (przedimek) wonder about personality of(przedimek) specific person 'which' (nie, jak o ludziach, to zawsze 'who') made a specific mark or signature. It was like a small lesson of psychology and what 'is' (ja dalabym 'was') the most important part of this lesson? That we could be like 'this' (nie rozumiem co slowo l. poj robi ze slowem l. mnogiej?) psychologists.
Having analyzed 'that' (zle slowo, tutaj 'what') we were doing in the workshop I now wonder about 'it' (nie, to jest znowu kalka z polskiego, tutaj 'the fact') that every person has interesting 'inside' (nie, lepiej 'inside characteristics, soul, cos takiego - ale 'insides' to wszyscy mamy takie same) and everyone could be an artist. There' is' (dlaczego czasownik jest w l. poj, jak rzeczownik w l. mnogiej - prosze nie robic takich bledow - to sa podstawowe rzeczy) lots of ways OF how to show (ale komu? trzeba napisac) who we (dodalabym slowo 'really') care and what emotions we hide inside.
Every art (ale co? to jest niezgrabne, moze 'piece of artwork) which anybody will do and which can show that (tu brak slowa 'what') you feel is real and beautiful in its own way.

Prosze nauczyc sie uzywac przedimki, to sie sa rzeczy ktore odpadaja, bo nam sie nie chce ich uzywac. Zdanie bez przedimka (tam gdzie ma byc) mowi mi ze osoba piszaca nie ma bladego pojecia gdzie i jak to uzywac.


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