Gramatyczny problem...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy mógłby Ktoś sprawdzić i powiedzieć mi co dokładnie jest źle w tym tekście ( bardzo ważna jest dla mnie gramatyka i CZASY!).
Ken looked in his backpack to find his camera, but it wasn't there. He came back home from holidays that morning. Ken had unpacked and wanted to tell his mother about excitation journey to Barcelona. She asked Ken about photos, but he didn't know where device was and where he had lost it.
Ken searched his backpack. Certainly, he had had camera at the airport as he got on the plane and in the cosy restaurant. Maybe he had lost the camera on the platform when he was talking with his best friend, Andrew.
Upset Ken had gone to the airport and asked at the lost and found office about his camera, but they didn't have any useful information. Disappointed Ken ran through the crowded streets to restaurant where he drunk delicious coffe and read a newspaper at 10 o’clock . There he found his headphones and his lovely bag,which he had put under the colorful table earlier that morning, but without the camera. Ken was walking through the narrow streets and he was thinking where his camera with a impresive photos were. At the moment he remembered that he had showed photos to his friend at the train station. Ken had called to Andrew and asked about camera. Andrew just remembered that Ken put the camera to pocket in the bacpack and he didn't know nothing more.
Finally, resigned Ken had come back home and he finished unpacking. When he was hiding souvenirs under the bed Ken saw a camer! He felt truly happy and excited!
Mogłaś to wkleić pod wcześniejszymi wpisami żeby inni wiedzieli że już bylo , przynajmniej w części, sprawdzone.
Dołączyłam tekst również do tamtego tematu. Poprawiłam część tekstu, jednak chciałabym mieć pewność co do gramatyki i czasów.
He 'came' (dla mnie tu jest zle, 'had come') back home from holidays that morning. Ken had unpacked and wanted to tell his mother about (brak przedimka) 'excitation' (nie rozumiem tego) journey to Barcelona. She asked Ken about (cos brak) photos, but he didn't know where (przedimek) device was and where he had lost it.
'Upset Ken' (cos mi to sie nie podoba, arse over tit) had gone to the airport and asked at the lost and found office about his camera, but they didn't have any useful information. Disappointed Ken ran through the crowded streets to (przedimek) restaurant where he HAD drunk delicious 'coffe' (ortog) and read a newspaper at 10 o’clock . There he found his headphones and his lovely bag,which he had put under the 'colorful' (colourful in BrE) table earlier that morning, but without the camera. Ken was walking through the narrow streets and he was thinking where his camera with 'a' (niepotr) 'impresive' (ortog) photos 'were' (calkowicie zle, tutaj 'could be'). At 'the' (dalabym slowo 'that') moment he remembered that he had showed (przedimek) photos to his friend at the train station. Ken had called 'to' (niepotr) Andrew and asked about (przedimek) camera. Andrew just remembered that Ken put the camera 'to' (zle slowo, tutaj INTO) (przedimek) pocket in the 'bacpack' (ortog) and he didn't know 'nothing' (co to jest? Kto was tak uczy, bo to jest zle, i zle twierdzi o nauce tego jezyka. Tutaj slowo 'anything') more.
Finally, resigned Ken had 'come back' (a dlaczego nie 'returned'?) home and he finished unpacking. When he was hiding (przedimek) souvenirs under the bed Ken saw 'a' (zly przedimek) 'camer!' (ortog)

Co to jest z tymi przedimkami? Dlaczego ich nie uzywasz?


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