
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Okay, let’s get started. Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me already, my name is Jan Kowalski and I’m a student of International Economics at the University of Gdansk.

One day I heard that the most important thing in the event of presentations is a passion. Therefore, today I’m going to talk about my passion, which is an economy without secrets, in other words is the economy with which we have contact every day, sometimes unwittingly.

My presentation will take around 5 minutes only, so if you have any questions I’ll be pleased to answer them at the end.

A source of inspiration for my talk was Robert Frank’s book with the original title The Economic Naturalist, which is a collection of puzzles and paradoxes that, in spite of appearances, have a rational causes.

Let me explain it with a concrete example. One of the questions is: Why in many pubs clients have to pay for water and, at the same time, they can eat a lot of free peanuts? Think about that. Peanuts are more expensive than water, so, thinking logically, it should be other way round. The key to understanding it are alcoholic beverages. The more clients eat peanuts, the more they drink alcohol and by the same token the profits of pubs will be higher and higher. In the other hand the more they drink water, the less they order alcohol. So the high price of water dissuades clients from buy it and also encourages them to drink alcohol.

This is only one of many quaint questions which you can find in this book. I’d like to finish by saying that the economy can be very interesting and for each of paradoxes of daily life we can find a scientific explanation.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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'Okay, let’s get started' (niepotrzebne, po co to?) . 'Hello' (ja wole jak dzien zaczyna sie od Good morning, Good afternoon...) everyone.

One day I heard that the most important thing in 'the event of' presentations is 'a' (niepotrzebne slowo) passion. Therefore, today I’m going to talk about my passion, which is an economy without secrets, in other words IT is the economy with which we have contact every day, sometimes unwittingly.

A source of inspiration for my talk was Robert Frank’s book with the original title The Economic Naturalist, which is a collection of puzzles and paradoxes that, in spite of appearances, have 'a' (dlaczego tu jest przedimek, jak 'causes' jest l. mnoga?) rational causes.

Peanuts are more expensive than water, so, thinking logically, it should be (brak przedimka) other way round.
'In' ON the other hand the more they drink water, the less they order alcohol. So the high price of water dissuades clients from buyING it and also IT encourages them to drink alcohol.

This is only one of many quaint 'questions' (nie wiem dokladnie, ale chyba miales na mysli 'answers to the questions') which you can find in this book. I’d like to finish by saying that 'the' (niepotr) economy can be very interesting and for each of THE paradoxes of daily life we can find a scientific explanation.

To co napisales potrwa mniej jak 3 minuty, musisz cos dodac.
'Okay, let’s get started' (niepotrzebne, po co to?)
...oczywiscie, choć nie zaszkodzi ' let me start with/ set out with ....' ' let 's just tackle this issue first/ let me start off by saying ...itd itd
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 19 paź 2016
Terri, dziękuję za cenne uwagi. Wprowadziłem zasugerowane poprawki. Przedimki to mój odwieczny problem, ale pracuję nad tym.

Good morning everyone. For those of you who don’t know me already, my name is Jan Kowalski and I’m a student of International Economics at the University of Gdansk.

One day I heard that the most important thing in the event of (chciałem użyć sformułowania "w przypadku"; "in case of" byłoby bardziej odpowiednie?) presentations is passion. Therefore, today I’m going to talk about my passion, which is an economy without secrets, in other words it is the economy with which we have contact every day, sometimes unwittingly.

My presentation will take around 5 minutes only, so if you have any questions I’ll be pleased to answer them at the end.

A source of inspiration for my talk was Robert Frank’s book with the original title The Economic Naturalist, which is a collection of puzzles and paradoxes that, in spite of appearances, have rational causes.

Let me explain it with a concrete example. One of the questions is: Why in many pubs clients have to pay for water and, at the same time, they can eat a lot of free peanuts? Think about that. Peanuts are more expensive than water, so, thinking logically, it should be an other way round. The key to understanding it are alcoholic beverages. The more clients eat peanuts, the more they drink alcohol and by the same token the profits of pubs will be higher and higher. On the other hand the more they drink water, the less they order alcohol. So the high price of water dissuades clients from buying it and also it encourages them to drink alcohol.

This is only one of many quaint (wg słownika "quaint" oznacza "oryginalny, ciekawy", dlatego uznałem, że to odpowiednie słowo) questions which you can find in this book. I’d like to finish by saying that economy can be very interesting and for each of the paradoxes of daily life we can find a scientific explanation.

Thank you very much for your attention.
SO therefore .....:)
On the other hand the more they drink water, the less they order alcohol.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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