Sprawdzenie listu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jest ktoś, kto mógłby sprawdzić ten list? Byłbym wdzięczny
1. Właśnie się dowiedziałeś/aś , że w internetowym konkursie wygrałeś/aś pewną rzecz. W e-mailu do kolegi:
- Poinformuj co wygrałeś i wyraź zadowolenie z otrzymanej nagrody
- Napisz co musiałeś zrobić żeby wygrać
- Opisz następny konkurs w którym masz zamiar wziąć udział
Hi, John!
I'm writing to you to boast about my writing contest winning prize! I can't believe I won. And quess what was the prize. No, it wasn't pencil. Not this time. Without further ado, it was the latest iPhone. iPhone 7 to be precise. Right, im so dope about that. It wasn't the easiest competition of my life, not the hardest one though. To win I had to write best novel, defeating about 100 other competitors. So, yeah, I consider myself lucky. I'm looking forward to taking part in another one, but maybe this time, it will be math, or physics. I will give them some chances.
Hi, John!
I'm writing to you to boast about my writing contest winning prize! I can't believe I won. And quess what was< - W ZLYM MIEJSCU TO SLOWO the prize. No, it wasn't PRZEDIMEK pencil. Not this time. Without further ado TO WYRAZENIE MI TU NIE PASUJE, it was the latest iPhone. PRZEDIM iPhone 7 to be precise. Right, im < - NIE MA TAKIEGO SLOWA so dope about that. It wasn't the easiest competition of my life, not the hardest one though. To win I had to write PRZEDIM best novel, defeating about 100 other competitors. So, yeah, I consider myself lucky. I'm looking forward to taking part in another one, but maybe this time, it will be math, or physics. I will give them some chances LEPIEJ A CHANCE.
Dzięki wielkie