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Mam ogromną prośbę moglibyście mi sprawdzić takie krótkie i dość zwięzłe streszczenie. Tu artykuł źródłowy:
Synthetic Biology: Making Life from Scratch
From reading the genetic code to writing it

A few years ago scientist took a major step toward making life from scratch. They synthesised the genome of Mycoplasma genitalium, which is a bacterium. In these days, researchers can not only reading genetic code, but also writing it. So maybe in the future they have a chance to create artificial organism. This artificial organism could have a lot of applications like: pathogens which kill cancer cells or cells which can produce some molecules, medicines.
Recently a team of scientists constructed a synthetic chromosomes for M. genitalium and put it into a yeast cell. This was a very important step to create an artificial organism. But we have also a bad news. Some of researchers said that even if we have all ingredients, which have cell (DNA, RNA, proteins, mitochondria etc.), we must to boot up this cell to division and development.
Creating artificial organisms might be risky. For example some terrorist can use the artificial virus or bacteria to kill people. Also some artificial cells can produce some rare substances, so a people who gather this substances from a plants can lost their job, because a substances produce by this cell could be much cheaper.
But we have a lot of advantages from artificial organisms. For example they can produce biofuels, so we can protect our plants from devastation etc.
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Synthetic Biology: Making Life from Scratch
From reading the genetic code to writing it

A few years ago scientist MNOGA? took a major step toward making life from scratch. They synthesised the genome of Mycoplasma genitalium, which is a bacterium. In these days ALBO 'THESE DAYS' (TERAZ), ALBO 'IN THOSE DAYS' (KIEDYŚ), researchers can not only reading ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA, BRAK PRZEDIMKA genetic code, but also writing ZNOWU it. So maybe in the future they CZAS PRZYSZLY have a chance to create PRZEDIMEK artificial organism. This artificial organism could have a lot of applications like: pathogens which kill cancer cells or cells which can produce some molecules, medicines.
Recently a team of scientists constructed a synthetic chromosomes JEDEN CHROMOSOM ALBO BEZ PRZEDIMKA for M. genitalium and put it into a yeast cell. This was a very important step to create an artificial organism. But we have also a bad news SLOWO NIEPOLICZALNE. Some of researchers said that even if we have all ingredients, which have cell =WSZYSTKIE SKLADNIKI, KTORE MAJA KOMORKE (DNA, RNA, proteins, mitochondria etc.), we must to PRZYPOMNIJ SOBIE MUST boot up CO TO MA ZNACZYC this cell to division RACZEJ BEZOKOLICZNIKI and development.
Creating artificial organisms might be risky. For example some terrorist can use the JEDYNY NA SIWECIE? artificial virus or bacteria to kill people. Also some artificial cells can produce some rare substances, so a DUZY PROBLEM Z PRZEDIMKAMI people who gather this substances TĘ SUBSTANCJE? from a ZNOWU plants can lost TO JEST CZAS PRZESZLY their job, because a ZNOWU substances produce =PRODUKUJĄ by this cell could be much cheaper.
But we have a lot of advantages from artificial organisms. For example they can produce biofuels, so we can protect our plants from devastation etc. NIEDOKONCZONE