Poprawność dwóch zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy te zdania są poprawne: "A good Law i a law which primarily is as much as it possibly can just and objective. The Law have to serve people and be suitable for them."?
Dobre prawo to prawo które przede wszystkim jest na tyle na ile się tylko da sprawiedliwe i obiektywne. Prawo musi służyć ludziom i być dla nich odpowiednie.
czemu law dużą literą? daj 'as much as' na koniec zdania
law to 3 os. l. poj. wiec nie moze byc 'have'
"A good law is a law which primarily is just and objective as much as it possibly can. The law has to serve people and be suitable for them."
"A good law is a law which IS primarily 'is' (w zlym miejscu) just and objective as much as it possibly can BE. The law has to serve people and be 'suitable' (cos mi to slowo sie nie podoba moze jakies inne) for them.
Cytat: terri
"A good law is a law which IS primarily 'is' (w zlym miejscu) just and objective as much as it possibly can BE. The law has to serve people and be 'suitable' (cos mi to slowo sie nie podoba moze jakies inne) for them.

"A good law is a law which is primarily just and objective as much as it possibly can be. The law has to serve people and be right for them. "


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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