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The social network

Fasemash as a foundation of the biggest social network comunity nowadays and the base of the fight between friends. Facemash was an spontaneous idea in under of emotions influence after break up with Zuckerberg girlfriend Erica Albright. Application was about making choices which girl you like more and it was not popular becouse of taking better picture, it was becouse they knew them from real life – that makes them interesting to have a look on next par of the girls. This observation pushed Mark Zuckerberg one step forward with creating the social network called "The Facebook".

An evil idea in the same time as a best idea ever to connect people online. Winklevoss twins gave him a "shot" - one word does not make a whole book. Concept about social network only for Harward students designed for ladys who are looking for rich or well located men. Does not sounds well for young Zuckerberg, he wants more then just university project. Going into the partnership with his bestfriend Eduardo – the guy who invented algorithm used in Facemash. Deal between friends was 30 to 70, Edaurdo gives money for servers and Mark all background of the application. The Facebook went online ! First complaint gets to the COE of the company – not big deal for Mark. Leading young creative team to the close future of social netrwork gives almost everyone better tomorrow. Fast success attracts Napster co-founder Sean Parker - alien who wants dead of Eduardo. Mark was delighted of the guy who bankrupt, gave an idea about removal "The" from company name - which was a bull's eye. Fascination deviated from reality pushed Mark to take away his bestfriend from the business. Drastic measures have caused lawsuits which was not about company, that was personal fight between friends. Mark felt that he made a mistake with listening Sean Parker, but it was too late - his brutality as a businessman, being more then honest made him guilty. Case in court with twins about who invented "Facebook" idea became fight for good "name" - sentence close to : "They does not fight with me couse of an idea, they fight with me becouse they does not like to lose".

Mark Zuckerberg is not a model which we can imitate - imitate from personal side, he does not know limit of the humanity, but that makes him a businessman with head on straight. Film show how to became millionaire in short period of the time, leaving friends behind yourself.

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