Sprawdzenie listu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in order to complain about the package holiday which had been organised recently by your travel agency and to suggest some solutions to the problem.

When me and my friend reached the destination, it turned out that there was no twin room avaiable in the hotel (which I had booked before). Instead, we got a double room, which was very incoventient for us. What is more, the food did not meet our expectations. Our meals became a routine – we were served with the same dishes every day – toasts and juice on breakfast and supper! I was very dissatisfied with it as on your website you assure your customers that your ‘menu’ offers various and fancy food. I wanted to speak to the manager, but he refused to listen to my complaints. After that, we decided to look for another accommodation.

You deffinitely need to pay more attention to requests of your customers to avoid further misunderstandings. I also strongly suggest you to hire a professional chef or simply changethe description of your offer on your website. Without changes like these you will lose definitely lose your customers. Also, it goes without saying that we would appreciate a written apology.

Yours fairhfully,
Zauważyłam literowke w yours faithfully, przeraszam, ale pisalam to w poznych godzinach nocnych i zdaje sobie sprawe, ze jest slaby ten list
served the same dishes
jezeli various to raczej 'foods'
accommodation niepoliczalne
zła składnia 'suggest'
you will lose definitely lose your customers - czegos tu za duzo
a literowki to juz sobie sama sprawdz
aha, no i jeszcze 'me and my friends' jest nieformalne
Ok dzięki
oprócz tego co napisali koledzy, spróbuj pisać dłuższe zdania. nie bój się ich łączyć spójnikami.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing (in order) to complain about the package holiday which had has recently been organised recently by your travel agency and to suggest some solutions to the problem(s) (I've enccountered).

When me and my friend my friend and I reached the destination, it turned out that there was no twin room avai(l)able in the hotel (which I had booked before). Instead, we got (were offered) a double room, which was very incoventient for us. What is more, the food did not meet our expectations., as our meals became (were becoming) a routine – we were served with the same dishes every day – toasts and juice on for breakfast and supper! I was very dissatisfied (with it), as on your website you assure your customers that your menu offers various and fancy food(s). I wanted to speak to the manager, but he refused to listen to my complaints. After that, so we decided to (check out and ) look for another (other) accommodation.

You deffinitely certainly need to pay more attention to requests of your customers to avoid further misunderstandings. I also strongly suggest that you to hire a professional chef or simply change (adjust) the description (details) of your offer on your website. Without changes like these If you do not follow my advice, there is a strong likelihood that you will lose definitely your customers. Also (Finally) (it goes without saying) it is obvious that we would appreciate a written apology.

Yours fairhfully,
definitely ma znamiona nieformalne
:/ no ale to zwroty z mojego repetytorium :/ i niektorym sie tu nie podobaja ;(
ok, te definitely może być. Jest trochę inne niż te : I definitely saw her- wówczas jest trochę nieformalne. ale unikaj słowa get (w znaczeniu dostać)w takich reklamacjach zastąp je receive, to be offered. Pamiętaj też rejestrze czyli stopniu formalnosci wyrażenie : it goes without saying jest trochę zbyt "literackie".

powiedz mi, dlaczego nie mogles wskazac, że przed breakfast nie uzywa sie 'on', a po suggest nie ma konstruckji z bezokolicznikiem?
czemu uwazasz, ze napisanie komus poprawnej wersji jest lepsze niz wskazanie bledow?
ok, nastepnym razem tak zrobie.
będą z Ciebie ludzie :-)
Aler mi nie trzeba tak :p ja to gapa jestem i jak zielonosiwy napisal, ze zle to juz wiedzialam o co chodzi :p
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe