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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The presentation takes places inna cafè, located in the suburbs of our town. I went there with my best friend – Samantha and her younger brother, who was very chrious about it. The exhibition was about the planets, their structure and composition. There was a lecture about whether we shall ever send people to places like Mars and if we could live there in the future. I really like that, but the thing, which made the biggest impression on me was the 3D models of the planets. It showed in detail how their surface looks like! By the way, would you like see this presentation? If you’re keen on astronomy, I really recommend it!

I went to the local shopping mall to purchase a new mobile phone, which has been released recently by Apple's company. I've decided to buy it as my old one was continuously freezing up and soon was out of order. I use my mobile everyday as it helps me to contact with my nearests and dearests. It also enables mento surf the Net, which is very useful when I need to find some information just to do my homework. I love my mobile, I'm mad about it and now, I can't imagine my life without it! I'm going to buy another gadget . It'll be a PC as the present one has very old system and isn't up to date with ne newest software.


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