
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

1) I'm really confused by the number of insurance deals around.
What... confused me is the number of insurance deals around

2) I'm interested in studying photography.
The subject... which interested me is photography.

3) I don't know a lot about history of Buckingham Palace.
What.. I don't know a lot is the history of Buckingham Palace.

4) I'd really love a hot drink of tea.
What... I loved is a hot drink of tea.

5) I'm here today to talk to you all about possible careers in law.
The reason.. why I'm here today is to talk about possible careers in law.

6) It's a long way to work from my home.
Where.. a long way is to work from my home.

7) I have problems with spelling
It's spelling that I have problems.
1 czas terazniejszy
2 to samo
3 brak jednego slowa obecnego w zdaniu wyjsciowym
4 to samo, zly czas, ma tam być modal verb
5 brak kilku slow ze zdania wyjsciowego
6 źle, zdanie ma sie zaczynac od 'where'?
7 brak slowa


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie