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In some places on the Earth it’s very hard to find water and easy to lose, but some animals manage to survive in these places. They have adaptations which help them.
First animal which can survive in dry places is tortoise. They live inter alia in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Their adaptations is connected with their urine. Their bladders can hold a lot of urine, so when it’s dry they can later reabsorb water from their urine.
The other example is the kangoroo rat. He almost never drinks the water. He get it, when he eats seeds. Also their kidneys generate super-concentrated urine, which help to save water.
The next example is the thorny devil. He has the spikes, which suck up dew from cool night air, rain, puddles. On his skin he has also grooves which help trap the water and then route it to the lizard’s mouth.
The fourth example is a frog from Australia which secretes a waterproof mucus cocoon that prevents moisture from escaping its body and they hibernate in this coccon until rainy season will appear.
The fifth example are camels. They have special nasal cavity, which at night reabsorb water from the air when they breath.
The last example is sand gazelles. They shrink oxygen-demand organes, when it is dry, so they lose less water from respiratory evaporation.

I jeszcze jedno pytanie "Why do we try to find" takie coś jest poprawne no nie? Dlaczego znajduje w Internecie np. w piosenkach skróconą wersję Why we try to find? Czemu nie ma "do"?
In some places on 'the' (niepotr) 'Earth' (mala litera) it’s very hard to find water and easy to lose (tutaj cos brakuje), but some animals manage to survive in 'these' (ciekawe, ale ujmij to inaczej) places. They have 'adaptations' (zle slowo) which help them.
First, (cos brak) animal which can survive in dry places is (cos brak) tortoise. They live 'inter alia' (za wysokie na ten tekst) in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Their 'adaptations' (tutaj l. poj) is connected with their 'urine'
'The other' (a dlaczego nie, 'another'?) example is the kangoroo rat. He almost never drinks 'the' (niepotr) water. He get 'it' (to znaczy co?: nie jest jasne), when he eats seeds. Also their kidneys generate super-concentrated urine, which 'help' (do czego to sie odnosi?) urine to save water.
He has 'the' (niepotr) spikes, which suck up dew from cool night air, rain, (tutaj zamiast przecinka dalabym 'and') puddles.
The fourth example is a frog from Australia which secretes a waterproof mucus cocoon that prevents moisture from escaping its body and they hibernate in this coccon until rainy season 'will appear' (leiej 'appears').
They have special nasal cavity, which at night 'reabsorb' (to odnosi sie do 'cavity- 3os.l.poj) water from the air when they 'breath' (tutaj trzeba czasownika).
The last example 'is' (ja napisalabym 'are the') sand gazelles. They shrink oxygen-demand 'organes' (ortog), when it is dry, so they lose less water from respiratory evaporation.

"Why do we try to find" takie coś jest poprawne - tak.....why do we try to find happiness from people who hurt us?
Why we try to find? Czemu nie ma "do"?- bo ludzie nie maja pojecia jak ma byc poprawnie, i do tego kazda piosenka ma swoje reguly.
Nie polegaj na internecie, tylko na dobrze napisanych podrecznikach albo ksiazkach. W internecie to nigdy nie wiesz kto/co to pisal i czy dana osoba/maszyna zna jez. ang.
Z camels nie jest dokładnie tak jak napisałaś. One wchłaniają wilgoć ze swojego wydechu.


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