For-and-againts essay

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Money can't buy you happiness"

In the 21st century, many people are surrounded by material comforts and modern technology. But what happiness really mean?

First and foremost, when people are happy? Probably, many of us will say that he or she is lucky when there is a lot of money in their life and they can buy a new computer or mobile phone. However someone said: " Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty". And I agree with this sentence, because although we have money, we cannot buy the most important things, such as health and family.

Secondly, money helps us to protect future- our future and our children. And it makes us feel safe and that is why we also feel happy. On the other hand, only unselfish love can really secure us. As Coco Channel said: "There are people who have money and there are people who are rich". Because material possesion is not necessary. When we have love, we are richer than every celebrity and millionaire.

Last but not least, material status is often the gateway to many spheres. For example, we do not have to limit ourselves, when we want to go on holiday or on the trip. Thanks to money we fulfill our dreams. But I certainly believe that dreams can be fulfilled without money. When we will work hard, surly happiness come to us.

To sum up, happiness is not something that we can buy. It is something what come to us when we are good people and we appreciate what we have.

Prosze o sprawdzenie bledow gramatycznych i skladniowych i przepraszam za literowki jesli sa.
"Money can't buy you(bez) happiness"

In the 21st century, many people are surrounded by material comforts and modern technology. But what (present simple operator)happiness really mean?

First and foremost, when people are(szyk) happy? Probably, many of us will say that he or she is lucky (nie mający pecha czy szcześliwy) when there is (oni maja)a lot of money in their life and they can buy a new computer or mobile phone. However , someone said: " Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty(poverty can't either)". And I agree with this sentence, because although we have money, we cannot buy the most important things such as health and(albo) family.

Secondly, money helps us to protect(sprawdz zabezpieczyc) future-(bez) our future and our children's. And it makes us feel safe and that(this) is why we also feel happy. On the other hand, only unselfish love can really secure us (dwie linijki wyzej wlasnie to, zdanie trochę niedokonczone secure us from...) . As Coco Channel said: "There are people who have money and there are people who are rich". Because material possesion is(liczba mnoga) not necessary. When we have(inny czasownik) love, we are richer than every (jakiekolwiek inny)celebrity and millionaire.

Last but not least, material status is often the gateway[/b](inne slowo) to many spheres(tez raczej inne). For example, we do not have to limit ourselves, when we want to go on holiday or on (bez)the trip. Thanks to money we fulfill our dreams. But I certainly believe that dreams can be fulfilled without money. When we will(bez) work hard, surly happiness will come to us.

To sum up, happiness is not something that we can buy. It is something what come to us when we are good people and we appreciate what we have.
To sum up, happiness is not something that we can buy. It is something what(that) come(present simple) to us when we are good people and we appreciate what we have.
TV chaNNel. Coco ChaNel (N°5).
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 kwi 2017


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