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Title of article which is summarized is “Does Drinking Alcohol Really Kill Brain Cells?” and was written by Kendra Cherry.
Scientist analise effects of drinking alcohol from a long time including influence on our brains. Today researcher claims that brain cells don't die after hard drinking. In addition moderate drinking enhances our cognitive skills and decreases cholesterol level. Scientist compared number of neurons in alcoholics and non-alcoholics and didn’t find much difference between them. Moreover, even drinking too much alcohol for a long time don’t kill our neurons, but it’s damages dendrites, changes structure of neurons and disturb communication between neurons. In addition after stop drinking alcohol our brains can regenerate. On the other side drinking alcohol for a long time decrease B-vitamin concentration in our organism, which lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This disorder characterize by loss of neurons. It lead to amnesia and problems with coordination. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism claim that alcohol has still bad influence on our health. On the other side researcher said that alcohol improve neurogenesis, because we know now that even if we adult in some places on our brain exist neurogenesis process. To sum up alcohol don’t kill neurons, but has other bad influence on our brain and health.

Całość artykułu
Does Drinking Alcohol Really Kill Brain Cells?
The idea that having a few too many drinks permanently kills off brain cells has been around for some time. Chronic heavy drinking has long been associated with mental deficits. Alcohol exposure during critical periods of brain development, such as prenatally or during the teenage years, is also particularly dangerous. But is having that glass of wine after dinner really putting you at risk for neural loss?
It turns out that experts believe moderate drinking does not actually lead to brain cell death. In fact, researchers have found that moderate drinking can have a number of health benefits, including improved cognitive abilities and lowered cholesterol levels.
One study that involved comparing the number of neurons found in the brains of alcoholics and non-alcoholics found that there was no difference in neocortical neurons between the two groups.
Even heavy binge drinking and long-term alcohol abuse don't actually result in the death of brain cells. Instead, alcohol damages the dendrites located in the cerebellum and reduces the communication between neurons. Researchers discovered that alcohol use not only disrupts communication between neurons; it can also alter their structure. One thing it does not do, they found, was actually kill off cells.
In fact, studies involving rats found that halting alcohol intake - even after chronic abuse - allows the brain to heal itself.
While actual neural death might not be caused by alcohol, alcohol abuse can and does lead to brain damage. Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to a deficiency in an important B-vitamin called thiamine. This deficiency can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a serious neurological disorder linked to alcohol use that does result in the loss of neurons in the brain. The syndrome is characterized by memory problems, amnesia, and lack of muscle coordination. In this case, it is important to note that the loss of neurons is caused by the thiamine deficiency, not by the actual alcohol use.
Obviously, this does not mean that people should ignore the potential dangers of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that a number of factors can influence exactly how alcohol impacts the brain, including how much and how often a person drinks, how long the individual has been drinking, prenatal exposure to alcohol, and the overall state of a person's health.
Something else to consider: While alcohol might not actually "kill" brain cells, research does suggest that high levels of alcohol can interfere with neurogenesis, or the formation of new brain cells. Until fairly recently, many experts believed that adults were not able to grow new neurons in the brain. That myth has since been dispelled, and brain experts now recognize that specific regions of the brain continue to form new cells even well into old age.
So what's the bottom line? Researchers believe that alcohol does not kill brain cells. It can, however, impair brain function and have other serious health consequences.

edytowany przez Morgotheron: 17 kwi 2017
'Title of article which is summarized is' (dlaczego to jest arse over tit? Summary of an article..)“Does Drinking Alcohol Really Kill Brain Cells?” 'and was' (po co te slowa tutaj?) 'written' (wg mnie niepotr) by Kendra Cherry.
Scientist (zly czas...oni to juz zrobili) 'analise' (tu trzeba czas przeszly)(brak przedimka) effects of drinking alcohol 'from' (zle slowo) a long time including (brak przedimka) influence on 'our' (to znaczy moja i twoja? ja nie pije alkoholu...prosze mnie nie wlaczac do tego) brains. Today 'researcher' (tylko ten jeden? tutaj potrzeba l. moga) 'claims' (claim) that (przedimek) brain cells 'don't' (w calosci) die after 'hard' (a jaki jesty 'soft drinking?- co to znaczy) drinking. In addition moderate drinking enhances 'our' (zmien) cognitive skills and decreases (przedimek) cholesterol level. 'Scientist' (l. mnoga) compared (przedimek) number of neurons in alcoholics and non-alcoholics and 'didn’t' (w calosci) find 'much difference' (nie, 'much' jest tutaj zlym slowem) between them. Moreover, even drinking too much alcohol for a long time 'don’t' (to ma byc w calosci i prosze nie uzywac kolokw) kill our neurons, but 'it’s' (co to za slowa, napisales 'it is' -) damages (przedimek) dendrites, changes (przedimek) structure of neurons and 'disturb' (to jest 3os.l.poj, koncowka) communication between (przedimek) neurons. In addition after 'stop'[ (a reszta slowa) drinking alcohol 'our' (zamiast 'our' uzyj 'the') brains can regenerate. On the other 'side' (zle slowo, mowimy 'hand') drinking alcohol for a long time decrease B-vitamin concentration in our organism, which 'lead' (3os.l.poj) to (przedimek) Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This disorder (brak czasownika) 'characterize' (brak konca slowa) by (przedimek) loss of neurons. It 'lead' (it- to jest 3os.l.poj i czasownik musi byc odpowiedni- dlaczego to mam Ci przypominac?) to amnesia and problems with coordination. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 'claim' (3os.l.poj) that alcohol has still (przedimek) bad influence on our health. On the other 'side' (hand) 'researcher' (jeden czy wielu?) 'said' (za niskie slowo, tutaj lepiej 'stated', albo 'proclaims' albo 'claims) that alcohol 'improve' (3os.l.poj) neurogenesis, because we 'know' (slowo mi sie nie podoba, moze 'realize') now that even if 'we adult in' (tego nie rozumiem) some places on our brain (chyba brakuje 'there') 'exist' (3os.l.poj) (dalabym przedimek) neurogenesis process. To 'sum up' (za niskie, moze 'conclude') alcohol 'don’t' (to co napisales to 'do not' - czy to jest poprawne? nie rob tego, naucz sie pisac poprawnie) kill neurons, but has other bad 'influence' (tutaj wg mnie l. mnoga) on our brain and health.

Co to z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)? Dlaczego ich nie uzywasz? Prosze tez pamietac, ze czasowniki reg. w3os.l.poj maja koncowke 's'.