Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie kilku zdań :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. The competitions has been cancelled owing to poor weather conditions.
2. Increase of the car's prices sparked off increase of bike's sales.
3. I didn't come due to heavy rain.
4. The election of new head of our school gave rise to a lot of conflicts between teachers.
5. The new rules have brought about more conflicts in our team.
6. High temperatures led to flower blooming.
7. Heavy traffic jams stem from public holiday.
8. Her problems arose out of arguing with mother.
9. My reasons for not going on her birthday party was that I was very busy that day.
10. I wander what her motives were in kidding him.
11. He was prompt to fighting by an agrresive man.
12. The aim of concert was help the poor.
13. She's cleaning the house with a view to impressing him.
14. He didn't do his homework. As a consequence he get a low rating.
15. The upshot off all my efforts was that I had no money.
16. When the tests results were announced, worries ensued.
Dzięki :)
1. 'The competitions' (competitions to jest l. mnoga, a 'has' to jest 3 os.l.poj czasownika - dlaczego to laczysz?)l has been cancelled owing to poor weather conditions.
2. Increase of the 'car's' (tutaj to ma byc w formie l. prices..) prices sparked off increase 'of'( ja bym tutaj dala 'in') 'bike's' (dlaczego to jest tak napisane, tutaj wystarczy l. poj) sales.
3. I didn't come due to heavy rain. - ok
4. The election of new head of our school gave rise to a lot of conflicts between (tutaj przedimek 'the') teachers.
5. The new rules have brought about more conflicts in our team. - ok
6. High temperatures led to 'flower' (tylko jak jest l. poj, to musi byc przedimek przed tym) blooming.
7. Heavy traffic jams stem from public holiday. - aha, to lepiej nie meic public holidays???
8. Her problems arose out of arguing with (ale czyja? moja? twoje? trzeba wyraznie napisac) mother.
9. My reasons for not going 'on' (to jest kalaz polskiego 'na' na jej urodziny, ale w jez. ang. mowimy TO..idziemy to a party, a nie *on a party) her birthday party was that I was very busy that day.
10. I 'wander' (sprawdz blad ortog) what her motives were in kidding him.
11. He was prompt to 'fighting' (pomysl o tym) by an 'agrresive' (blad ortog) man.
12. The aim of (przedimek) concert was (tu brak slowa) help the poor.
13. She's cleaning the house with a view to impressing him. - ok....(poor woman)
14. He didn't do his homework. As a consequence he 'get' (ale tutaj potrzeba czasu przeszlego) a low rating.
15. The upshot off all my efforts was that I had no money - ok.
16. When the tests results were announced, worries ensued. - ok
edytowany przez terri: 06 maj 2017
14. W UK szkołach dają rating z zadania domowego?
15 nie jest ok.
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 maj 2017
14 w slownikach jest 'rating' jako odpowiednik 'oceny'. Zaklina, 'ocena szkolna' to nie rating
11 może być błąd (zależy co prompt miało znaczyć). by też nie pasuje w tym zdaniu.
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 maj 2017
W zdaniu 11 wzielam 'prompt' move to action, to instigate, to incite.
sorry, tak, nie zauwazylam ze w zdaniu 15. mialo byc.....The upshot OF all my....
Cytat: mg
14 w slownikach jest 'rating' jako odpowiednik 'oceny'. Zaklina, 'ocena szkolna' to nie rating

czy "grade" będzie pasowało ?
grade ok albo mark
Cytat: terri
W zdaniu 11 wzielam 'prompt' move to action, to instigate, to incite.
sorry, tak, nie zauwazylam ze w zdaniu 15. mialo byc.....The upshot OF all my....

prompt- chciałam użyć w znaczeniu "wywoływać, pobudzać" - prompt to do sth..
He was promt to fight by an aggressive man. ( On był popchnięty do bójki przez agresywnego mężczyznę)
Więc wg mnie nie będzie 'prompt' w tej formie.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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