Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie kilku zdań :)

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In the last day of my grandfather's life, he gave me all his assets. Because I live in the up and coming country where the most important thing is the ultimate status symbol: money, people are very stressed. I got this fortune in the very convenient time. I started new job and I need some extra money. My wealth that year was very nice.
'Because' (staraj sie nie uzywac tego slowa na poczatku zdania, lepiej 'As') I live in 'the' (zly przedimek, nie wiemy o ktory chodzi|) 'up and coming' (wg mnie trzeba tak 'up-and-coming') country where the most important thing is the ultimate status symbol: 'money, people are very stressed' (tego nie rozumiem, jak chcesz trzeba troche wiecej slow zeby zreozumieczeidziesz do 'conclusion'). I got this fortune in 'the' (zly przedimek) very convenient time. I started (brak przedimka)new job and I need some extra money. My wealth that year was very 'nice' (niece to moze byc dziewczyna, sukienka...tutaj trzeba troche wiecej odpowiadajacy, np.'high, was tremendously high, 'welcome, was very welcome...cos takiego)
tremendously high
..lub ' incredibily high '
Cytat: terri
where the most important thing is the ultimate status symbol: 'money, people are very stressed' (tego nie rozumiem, jak chcesz trzeba troche wiecej slow zeby zreozumieczeidziesz do 'conclusion'). )

dziękuje serdecznie za pomoc!
Czy mogę zatem napisać: ..the ultimate status symbol. Due to earning money people are very stressed. ?
'Due to earning' (nie, to jest zle, to nie jest dlatego, ze ludzie zarabiaja pieniadze, tylko dlatego, ze 'gonia' pieniadze...jak tylko zarabiaja tonie sa 'stressed' bo maja pieniadze...tutal mozna due to their love of money, their search for money...people are very stressed. ?
edytowany przez terri: 22 cze 2017
'Due to earning'
..jeśli masz urodzić wtedy powiesz ...'my baby/ little boy is due' ...między innymi oczywiście ...'yes , due to their endless and extraordinary loving for money '
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 23 cze 2017
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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