Proszę o sprawdzenie eseuju, co mogę poprawić jakie błedy na co zwrócić uwagę.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Co oprócz edukacji wpływa na rozwój państwa?
What besides education influences the development of the state?
First of all, expect education is a big spectrum of sources which these influences the development of the state. For example, a big influence on growing social life, have’s internet. E-marketing has found his place on internet. Moreover, almost every company nowadays have’s own internet site. Another reason is building industry, which have influence on traffic in city, building industry contributes to formation a new place of work.
Secondly, big influence have’s self-employment branch which contributes to make a new brand, growing a marketplace in the country. Moreover, gets new places of work. Thank to that unemployment rate goes down. What is more, work have’s big influence on social development because when people work then they are have resources for live and they can give a life to another youngest of community. Moreover, money is necessary aspect of our life, when you don’t have money you can’t survive in world, that point of thought reason which work have big influence on it.
All in all, there is no clearly point of view on this cause, but like I said above, there is more and more resources which have influence on prospering the state. In my opinion education is big thing to cultivate but it isn’t the one, what have influence on state. I’m want to be educated man and I wish the everyone want the same but not everyone like the same thing.
sorry, podstawowe bledy gramatyczne typu have's, zly szyk zdania itp.

nie ten poziom
mam jeszcze kilka esejów , może ten jest lepszy . proszę o pomoc

1. Czy edukacja jest potrzebna?
2. Is education alive (neded)

In the beginning, I want to say that I think education is a very important cause in social community. For starter educated people have high personal culture they can speaks with other kindly and listen what they have to say. It is thought that, educated persons get better job in future live. For example, Steve Job is really clever man and he have a fortune, because first he invests in yourself and education and next he uses his knowledge to make a money. What is more, the knowledge sometimes can you give opportunity to get through hard time, like in get positive answer on job interview. I think people whose end their education on some high level than usually one, they haves better and more successful life. Moreover, scholar person pushes new technologist forward and do discover which have influence for better social life like new gadgets, many useful resources for disable people.
Secondly it is important to mention that education push us to get more experience and challenges. Moreover, peoples’ nature is construct to do big thing to get knowledge and improve our life. Without education, every discovers wouldn’t happen like find the Mars or knowing that sun goes around the world. On the other hand, when we decided to learning it’s take a lot of our life, someone said that we are learning all our life and the life is a learning. In this case you are pay a lot of attention to your study and you don’t have so many time to get fun, but you must focus on learn.
All in all, I think the education is important think in our social life, thanks to that we have high culture behaviour, we know what to do in under line situation, what needs to be avoid in our life. Moreover, knowledge give us a better point of view in our future.
Błędów jest bardzo dużo. Jak mg wyżej pisał - złe końcówki w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedyńczej, przedimki nieokreślone przez niepoliczalnymi rzeczownikami, często zły szyk zdania, zła forma czasowników po przyimkach, i tak dalej...

Do czego te essaye? Do szkoły?
Przygotowuję się na rozowę wstępną na studia , i mi. będę musiał napisać esej (opinion essay)
In the beginning, I want to say that I think education is a very important 'cause' (cos mi to slowo nie za bardzo pasuje tutaj) in social community. For (przedimek) 'starter' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'start') educated people have high personal culture they can 'speaks' (to slowo odnosi sie do 'they' a 'they' to nie 3os.l.poj, zmien) with 'other' (tutaj potrzebna jest l. mnoga) kindly and listen (cos brak) what they have to say. It is thought that(,) (przecinek jest w zlym miejscu, powinnien byc po 'though't) educated persons get better 'job' (tu powinna byc l. mn) in future 'live' (tutaj masz czasownik a potrzebny jest rzeczownik). For example, Steve Job is really (przedimek) clever man and he 'have' (he to jest 3os.l.poj i potrzebuje czasownika 3 os.l.poj) a fortune, because first he 'invests' (daj to w czxasie przxeszlym) in 'yourself' (to jest zle, tutaj musi sie odnosic do 'niego') and education and next he uses his knowledge to make 'a' (niepotr) money. What is more, the knowledge sometimes can 'you give' (zla kolejnosc slow) (przedimek) opportunity to get through hard 'time' (jak piszesz bez przedimka, to tutaj musi byc l. mnoga), 'like' (to jest taki kolokw ktory naprawde mnie like denerwuje like) get positive answer on (przedimek) job interview. I think people 'whose' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj powinno byc 'who') end their education on some high level 'than usually one' (tego nie rozumiem), they 'haves' (co to za slowo?) (przedimek) better and more successful life. Moreover, scholar person pushes new 'technologist' (zle slowo, czy masz na mysli 'technology') forward and do 'discover' (tutaj myslales o rzeczowniku, a napisales czasownik) which have influence 'for' (zle slowo, daj tu 'on') better social life like new gadgets(,) (daj tutaj slowo 'and') many useful resources for disable people.
Secondly it is important to mention that education 'push' (nie, tutaj education to 3os.l.poj i czasownik musi byc dostosowany do tego) us to get more experience and (daj tutaj slowo 'face') challenges. Moreover, peoples’ nature is (cos brak) construct 'to do big thing' (tego nie rozumiem) to get knowledge and improve our life. Without education, every 'discovers' (daj tutaj rzeczownik tego slowa) wouldn’t happen 'like' (like nie jest normalnym slowem, to jest najgorszy kolokw. tutaj uzyj 'such as') 'find' (a gdzie reszta slowa?) 'the' (niepotr) Mars or knowing that (brak przedimka) sun goes around the world. On the other hand, when we 'decided' (tutaj czas teraz) to 'learning' (nie, tutaj 'learn') 'it’s' (tutaj masz zle, bo napisales 'it is' a potrzeba zwykle 'it') 'take' (tutaj czasownk 3 os.l.poj) a lot of our life, someone said that we 'are learning' (nie, napisz 'learn) all our life and 'the' (niepotr) life is 'a' (niepotr) learning. In this case you 'are' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa) pay a lot of attention to your study and you don’t have so 'many' (zle slowo, tutaj 'much') time to 'get' (zle pojecie, tutaj 'have-miec) fun, but you must focus on learnING.
All in all, I think the education is (przedimek) important 'think' (nie rozumiem tego slowa? myslec?) in our social life, thanks to that we have high culture behaviour, we know what to do 'in' (niepotr) under 'line' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj) situation, what needs to be avoidED in our life. Moreover, knowledge giveS us a better point of view in our future.

Masz problemy z rozpoznaniem kiedy sie uzywa koncowki reg. czasownikow 3os.l.poj, no i z przedimkami to tez troche nie za dobrze..
First of all, 'expect' (tutaj cos brak, nie piszesz kto? co?) education is a big spectrum of sources which 'these' (niepotr) 'influences' (to odnosi sie do 'sources'-l. mnoga, tutaj musi byc 'influence') the development of the state. For example, a big influence on growing social life, 'have’s' (nie rozumiewm trgo, napisales 'have is'?) internet. E-marketing has found 'his' (od kiedy 'internet' jest rodzajem meskim?) place on (przedimek) internet. Moreover, almost every company nowadays 'have’s' (nie wiem co robisz z tym slowem. To ma byc 'have'-miec' a ty piszesz 'have is'...?) own internet site. Another reason is (przedimek) building industry, which 'have' (nie, tutaj industry to 3 o.s.l. poj - koncowka) influence on (przedimek) traffic in (przedimek) city, building industry contributes to formation OF 'a' (niepotr) new 'place' (tutaj l. mnoga) of work.
Secondly, big influence 'have’s' (juz 3ci raz piszeszxx 'have is'?) (przedimek) self-employment branch which contributes toWARDS makING a new brand, growing a marketplace in the country. Moreover, (ale co? kto?
cos brakuje) gets new places of work. 'Thank' (nie, tutaj jak juz to piszesz to 'Thanks') to that (przedimek) unemployment rate 'goes down' (uzyj wyzsze slowa np. 'reduces'). What is more, work 'have’s' (nie wiem co tu sie dzieje, czy niw wiesz jak to pisac, czy po prostu kopioujesz z kiepskiego zrodla, tutaj HAS) (przedimek)big influence on (przedimek)social development because when people work then they 'are' (niepotr) have (przedimek) resources 'for' (nie, tutsaj jest zle slwoo. Nie rozrozniasz 'life' od 'live') live and they can give 'a ' (niepotr) life to another 'youngest' (nie to miales na mysli, tutaj 'youngster') of (przedimek) community. Moreover, money is (przedimek) necessary aspect of our life, when you don’t have money you can’t survive in (przedimek) world, that 'point of thought reason' (tego nie rozumiiem) which work 'have' (nie, tutaj 3os.l.poj) big influence on it.
All in all, there is no 'clearly' (zla cxzesc mowy, tutaj 'clear') point of view on this 'cause' (zle slowo, tutaj 'aspect' point of view'), but 'like' (po co to slowo uzywasz? 'I said' (nie, tutaj daj 'as mentioned') above, there 'is' (to ma sie odnosic do ';resources - a to jest l. mnoga, to czasownik tez musi byc w l. mn) more and more resources which have (przedimek) influence on 'prospering' (zle slowo, tutaj daj 'prospects of) the state. In my opinion education is (przedimek) big thing to cultivate but it isn’t the (tutaj brak ci slowa, np. 'only') one, 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co' ale totaj 'which') have (przedimek) influence on (przedimek) state. 'I’m' (dlaczego napisales I am want?) want to be (przedimek) educated man and I wish the everyone (daj totaj modala) want the same (daj przecinek przed slowem 'but') but not everyone likeS the same thing.
useful resources for disable people. masz tu czasownik a potrzebujesz przymiotnika
1. Czy uważasz, że telewizja ma zły wpływ na relacje w rodzinie?
Do you think that television have bad influence for relationship in family?

There is no doubt that television have huge influence on relationship in family. Nowadays, TV can be your best way to relax after work, and as well entertainment time for the youngest people of our society. There is wide spectrum of advantages and some disadvantages of used the television. In my opinion, I’m stand besides positive aspects and useful resources which the television gives us.
First of all, television influence on educational aspects in our family, there is offer a great number of programs which linking entertainment and learning. For instance, children can play together and meaning time learn new subject from educational games.

Secondly, in television program, we can find some historical channel and growing up knowledge, about ancient’s culture, and their behavior. Moreover, television offer us, a number of amusements programs, if you want to dance, or even listening music in time, when you are preparing the dinner, or doing something else like housekeeping.

On the other hand, there is some disadvantages of watching tv, such as long waste of time to watching useless program which is the bad influence for our mood and motivation aspect in our life. For example, scientist’s resources revealed that the most of children between 11-15 years, spend their time, using television with inappropriate way, such as watching violence movie and tv-shows which have bad influence for their life being.

To sum up, I strongly believe, when we start using television with carefully and deliberately, secure our children from violence and inappropriate channel, we can achieve best goal for our family in education, relaxing and entertainment.
Do you think that television 'have' (nie, television to 'it' a 'it' to 3os.l.poj i czasownik musi byc dostosowany do tego) bad influence for relationship in family?

There is no doubt that television 'have' (zmien) (przedimek) huge influence on relationship in (przedimek) family. Nowadays, TV can be your best way to relax after work, 'and' (niepotr) as well entertainment time for the youngest people of our society. There is (przedimek) wide spectrum of advantages and some disadvantages of 'used' (uzywana? nie, tutaj 'using-uzywac') the television. In my opinion, 'I’m stand' (tego nie rozumiem) besides positive aspects and useful resources which the television gives us.
First of all, television (tu brakuje 2 slowa) influence on educational aspects in our family, there 'is' (to ma sie zgadzac z 'programs'-l. mnoga) (tu brakuje slowa) offer a great number of programs 'which' (niepotr) linking entertainment and learning. For instance, children can play together and 'meaning' (nie, nie to miales na mysli, tutal 'in the meantime') 'time' (niepotr) learn (przedimek) new subject from educational games.

Secondly, in (przedimek) television program, we can find some historical channel and 'growing' (nie to slowo) up knowledge, about 'ancient’s' (nie, slowo jest 'ancient') culture, and their behavior. Moreover, television 'offer' (TV-3os.l.poj dostosuj czasownik) us, a number of amusements programs, if you want to dance, or even 'listening' (zle slowo, tutaj 'listen') (brak slowa) music 'in' (nie, tutaj 'during the') time(,) (nie potrzeba przecinka) when you are preparing the dinner(,) (nie potrzeba przcinka) or doing something else like housekeeping.

On the other hand, there is some disadvantages of watching tv, such as long waste of time 'to' (niepotr) watching (przedimek) useless program which is 'the' (zly przedimek) bad influence 'for' (zle slowo, tutaj 'on') our mood and (przedimek) motivation aspect in our life. For example, scientist’s resources revealed that 'the' (niepotr) most of children between 11-15 'years' (niepotr), spend their time(,) (nie potrzeba przecinka) using television 'with' (nie, tutaj 'in an') inappropriate way, such as watching violence 'movie' (tutaj l. mnoga) and tv-shows which have (przedimek) bad influence for their 'life being' (nie, zmien to).

To sum up, I strongly believe, when we start using television 'with' (niepotr) carefully and deliberately, secure our children from violence and inappropriate 'channel' (tutaj l. mnoga), we can achieve (przedimek) best goal for our family in education, 'relaxing' (nie, tutaj 'relaxation') and entertainment.
dziękuję bardzo, w najbliżyszch dniach dodam kolejne. Pozdrawiam wielki big up za pomoc !
such as watching violence movie ' podobnie jak w poprzedniej pracy, ja bym tu dał przymiotnik
edytowany przez Aaric: 13 paź 2017
tez sie zgodze z Aaric - violent movie; z kolei movie violance byloby idealne, kiedy mowa o 'przemocy w filmach'
Niestety, violance nie byłoby idealne.
edytowany przez Aaric: 15 paź 2017
no tak, w pismie wyraz mi nie wyszedl :/ ale wiadomo, o co chodzi :)
1. Co oprócz edukacji wpływa na rozwój państwa?
What besides education influences the development of the state?
In the beginning, I want to present my point of view on that subject. I believe there is more and more resources, and issues what have huge influence on development of the state. Besides the education, there are: the internet, work places, free trade area, government and etc., which these, has influence on state as well. For example, the class of workers have big influence on state because, they are rise the building, within we can live. Moreover, workers build the routs for us, and thanks for them we can drive to our jobs.
Secondly, the big influence on the state have government. Who is responsible for tidy environment, taking actions against air pollution, and safety of our society. For example, without government we can’t handle all that issues like health care, planning infrastructure of our city, and faced the problem of unemployed citizens.
Another vital key is, the internet. It is thought that, popularity of internet growing with spectacular strength, which push the influence on our society. Nowadays, every event what happened, going straight to the web. Often, one of the popular videos, which have been watched, million times trough web visitors, can exert influence on watchers’ behavior.
Taking everything into consideration, we have a big spectrum of resources what besides education, have influence on development of state. First, in my opinion, and the general, are the workers and people whose build our society. Secondly, we have a government, and on the end of list, there is internet which have growing influence of develop in state.
there is more and more resources;
which these, has influence;

Secondly, the big influence on the state have government. co to znaczy?
we can’t handle all that issues
faced the problem of unemployed citizens.
dlaczego taka forma?
popularity of internet growing with spectacular strength, which push the influence on our society
Nowadays, every event what happened, going straight to the web.
Often, one of the popular videos, which ?have been? watched, million times trough web visitors, can exert influence on watchers’ behavior. viewers'?
Serduszko, nie bede lagodna dla Ciebie, gdy nie bedziesz uzywal/a przedimkow (a, an, the). To mnie naprawde irrytuje.....i jeszcze, musisz nauczyc sie rozpoznawac l. poj od l. mn, i gdy jak czasownik jest l. poj - to rzeczownik musi tez byc w l. poj, albo obydwa w l. mn..

'In' (tutaj ja bym uzyla 'At') the beginning, I want to present my point of view on 'that' (daj inne slowo) subject. I believe (ja lubie uzywac slowo 'that') there 'is' (ale to ma sie zgadzac z 'resources-l. mnoga, czasownik ma sie zgadzac z rzeczownikiem) more and more resources, and issues 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co' ale w jez. ang - tego nie uzywamy, uzywamy inne slowo) have (brak przedimka) huge influence on (przedimek) development of the state. Besides 'the' (no i po co ten przedimek tutaj jest?) education, there are: the internet, work places, free trade area, government 'and etc' (nie znam tego - trzeba wytlumaczyc, jak nie ma wiecej przykladow to konczysz na tyum ktore znasz i nie pisz 'etc' - bo to nie wiadomo jest co masz na mysli), which 'these,' (niepotr slowo) 'has' (ale wymieniles wiecej jak jeden, tutaj l. mnoga) influence on (przedimek) state as well. For example, the class of workers 'have' (zle slowo, tutaj ref do 'class' l. poj) 'big' (uzyj wiecej formalne, akademickie slowo, to jest za niskie) influence on (przedimek) state because(,) (dlaczego uzywasz przecinkow tam gdzie ich nie potrzeba?) they 'are rise' (tego nie rozumiem) the building, within we can live. Moreover, workers build the 'routs' (tutaj uzylabym innego slowa) for us(,) (nie za bardzo jestem sklonna uzywac przecinka przed 'and') and thanks 'for' (zle slowo) them we can drive to our jobs.
Secondly, 'the' (zly przedimek) big influence on the state 'have' (tutaj ref do 'gvt'-l. poj, chociaz ludzi w tym jest mnostwo, ale slowo jest l. poj) government. 'Who' (jak to ma byc pytanie, to musi miec znak zapytania na koncu, jak to jest kontinuacja poprzedniego zdania, to musi byc mala litera) is responsible for tidy environment, taking actions against air pollution(,) (cos jestes zakochany po uszy w tych przecinkach - dlaczego?) and safety of our society. For example, without (przedimek) government we can’t handle all 'that' (tutaj ref do 'issues' l. mnoga, to musi tez slowo byc w l. mn) issues like health care, planning infrastructure of our city(,) (niepotr) and 'faced' (nie, zla czesc mowy) the problem of unemployed citizens.
Another vital key is(,) (po co przecinek?) the internet. It is thought that, (przedimek) popularity of (przedimek) internet (brak czasownika) growing with spectacular 'strength' (uzylabym inne slowo), which 'push' (daj inne slowo) the influence on our society. Nowadays, every event 'what' (znowu kalka z polskiego 'co' ale uzyj inne slowo) happened(,) (niepotr) (brak czasownika) going straight to the web. Often, one of the popular videos, which have been watched(,) (niepotr) million times 'trough' (zle slowo, ale moze to byc liter) web visitors, can exert influence on (brak przedimka) watchers’ behavior.
Taking everything into consideration, we have a big spectrum of resources 'what' (znowu, naucz sie jakie slowo uzywamy zeby zastapila polski 'co' w tych zdaniach) besides education, have (brak przedimka) influence on (przedimek) development of (przedimek) state. 'First' (masz tu 'first, a pozniej uzywasz 'secondly, lepiej albo first, second, albo 'fristly, secondly, thirdly...), in my opinion, and 'the general' (tego nie rozumiem), are the workers and people 'whose' (zle slowo, tutaj 'who') build our society. Secondly, we have a government, and 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj 'at') the end of (przedimek) list, there is (przedimek) internet which 'have' (internet to l. poj, czasownik musi byc odpow do l. poj) growing influence 'of' (nie jestem pewna, ale chyba miales na mysli 'on') (przedimek) 'develop' (a reszta slowa..?) 'in' (zle slowo) (przedimek) state.
Jeszcze raz wrzucam, tym razem już poprawione. Mam nadzieję że udalo mi się poprawić wszystkie błędy i czegoś się nauczyłem. Tak jak zamiast what wsawiać which, chociaż cały czas mam problem z przedimkami. W niektórych miejscach mam wrażenie że powinno ich wgl. nie być tak jak w przed popularity . etc. to skrót z języka angielskiego et cetera, co znaczy i tak dalej. Podkreśla w pewnym sensie o czywistość zagadnienia jak , one, two, three, etc.,

1. Co oprócz edukacji wpływa na rozwój państwa?
What besides education influences the development of the state?
At the beginning, I want to present my point of view on this subject. I believe that are more resources, and issues which have a huge influence on the development of the state. Besides education, there are: the internet, work places, free trade area, government. Which, have influence on the state as well. For example, the class of workers has great influence on the state because they are construct the building, within we can live. Moreover, workers build the public spaces for us and thanks to them we can drive to our jobs.
Secondly, a big influence on the state has government, who is responsible for tidy environment, taking actions against air pollution and safety of our society. For example, without the government we can’t handle all of the issues like health care, planning infrastructure of our city and to face the problem of unemployed citizens.
Another vital key is the internet. It is thought that, popularity of the internet growing with spectacular rapidity, which exert the influence on our society. Nowadays, every event which happened going straight to the web. Often, one of the popular videos, which have been watched, million times trough web visitors, can exert influence on the watchers’ behavior.
Taking everything into consideration, we have a big spectrum of resources which besides education, have the influence on a development of the state. Firstly, in my opinion, and the main, are the workers and people who build our society. Secondly, we have a government, and at the end of the list, there is the internet which has growing influence on development in the state.
I believe that THERE are more resources(,) (nie wiem dlaczego tutaj jest przecinek) and issues which have a huge influence on the development of the state. Besides education, there are: the internet, work places, free trade area(,) (jak nie mamy wiecej do wymienienia to dajemy 'and') government(.) (tutaj zamiast 'kropki' ma byc przecinek) 'Which' (to ma byc mala litera bo to jest jedno zdanie z poprzednim zdaniem), have (brak przedimka) influence on the state as well. For example, the class of workers has (przedimek) great influence on the state because they 'are' (niepotr) construct the 'building' (tutaj ja bym dala l. mnoga), within we can live. Moreover, workers build 'the' (niepotr) public spaces for us and thanks to them we can drive to our jobs.
Secondly, a big influence on the state has government, who is responsible for 'tidy' (posprzatany? tutaj uzyj 'secure, clean') environment, taking actions against air pollution and safety of our society. For example, without the government we can’t handle all of the issues like health care, planning infrastructure of our city and' to face' (nie, daj 'facing') the problem of unemployed citizens.
It is thought that, popularity of the internet IS growing with spectacular rapidity, which exertS (to odnosi sie do 'popularity' 3os.l.poj - exerts) 'the' (zly przedimek, tutaj AN) influence on our society. Nowadays, every event which happened 'IS going' (ale lepiej ja dalabym 'goes') straight to the web. Often, one of the popular videos, which have been watched, million times 'trough' (tu masz zle slowo, ma byc THROUGH) web visitors, can exert (daj tutaj jakies slowo, np 'some, great, minimal,) influence on the watchers’ behavior.
Taking everything into consideration, we have a big spectrum of resources which besides education, have 'the' (zly przedimek, tutaj AN) influence on a development of the state.
Secondly, we have a government, and at the end of the list, there is the internet which has A growing influence on development 'in' OF the state.
1. Czy lepiej mieszkac na wsi czy w mieście?
What is better to live village or town?
Firstly, I want present my point of view, I always have been living in a town and I can’t complain about any aspects of living in a town. I prefer a town, because in the town is more resources to achieve personal goal. For example, in a town, there is a lot of shops, more than in a village. There are more social events as well, if you want to spend your free time on an entertainment. Moreover, you have a free access to the library and school or even the gym, if you are like to working out.
Secondly, a town is a better place for people who are hungry to achieve a success and well-paid jobs. As economists point out, a salary in a huge central community is a bigger than in a village. Moreover, in a village is a hard to get a job because there are only some local company, which offer custom products. For example, in town there is a lot more a company and it’s easier to get a job. The community transports are more comfortable in town, travel in town is more accessible than in a village.
There are also people against living in town, because of air pollution. They are complaining about a noise besides the window and a stressful unhealthy life. It is tough that, the people living in the centre, are usually choosing a fast food because it’s helps to saves a time for meals.
Taking everything into account, in my opinion live in a town has the advantages, but live in a village is quieter than in a city. I’m the person who love the expression. I’m fascinating about social life and big city complex. Definitely I’m prefer live in a town than in a village.
I always have been
in the town is more resources
there is a lot of shops
on an entertainment
if you are like to working out
is a bigger than
in a village is a hard to get a job
there are only some local company
there is a lot more a company
The community transports
complaining about a noise besides the window Hmm ;-)))
It is tough that, the people living in the centre, are usually choosing a fast food because it’s helps to saves a time for meals. YIKES!
in my opinion live in a town
but live in a village is quieter
I’m the person who love the expression.
I’m prefer live in a town
Aaric możesz rozwinąć swoją wypowiedź bo nie do końca wiem co jest źle
Kto Twoim zdaniem jest najlepszym nauczycielem: rodzice czy nauczyciele w szkole?
What do you think? Who is the best teacher: parents or school teachers?
There is thought that, the teachers have an important role in a children life. They are teaching our children and give them the education and knowledge usefully in the future experiences. I think that, parents’ role is much more important than the teachers, because they are with the children almost all time.
To begin with, the parents knows their child the best, and they are care about them, teach how to take first step, how say first words like mommy and daddy. They are get involved in cultural behavior their children and emotional development.
Another vital key is parents are the first and natural foster for the child and most known by them, fully of trust and unharmed. Parents pay more attention to the child than the teachers. They are care about every aspect of their life not only education, but also emotional and developmental, for these reasons I think that, the parents are the best teachers.
There are also people who think different, teachers also can get involved into emotional development of child, but usually teachers have professional approach to the students.
To sum up, I believe that, the parents are the best teachers for the child because they care about them from the first breath until when their children move out from the house but it’s not the end of the relationship, just the opposite, relationship become tighter and stronger than earlier.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.