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Czy mógłby ktoś z was sprawdzić ten tekst? Mam jeszcze prośbę czy widzicie gdzieś zdania które mógłby by być zapisane inaczej tak żeby było użyte więcej razy past perfect i past continous? Wszystko jest prawie w past simple i nie mam pomysłu jak coś innego można napisać. Z góry dziękuje

My grandmother lives nearly 200 kilometers from me. Unfortunately we do not see each other often. A few years ago my sister Julia and I was with her on a two week vacation. At that time I met a daughter of my grandmother's neighbors, who was a bit older than me. She was named Ania and she liked to ride on roller skates.

One beautiful sunny day, Grandma said that after lunch we can go on a roll with Ania. Julia and I were very happy and waited impatiently for dumplings. On that day my sister, who was very afraid to ride on the rolls, decided to finally try. We went to the park. I immediately learned to ride but my sister did not go too well. She was still falling down but she did not give up. At some point, she said she would hold Ania, she would pull her and she would go. Unfortunately, Ania was too dispirited, Julia panicked and let her go. She drove straight a few meters alone and then she fell to the wall and fell over. She started crying so hard, she said that her leg hurts so badly. We quickly called the grandmother, who decided to go to the hospital because the leg can be broken. Julia cried all the time, saying she had never had anything broken and that she did not want to have a leg in the cast. I was very worried about her. Earlier I had had a broken arm and I knew it hurts a lot. Grandma called Ania's father and we all went to the hospital together. We waited patiently for what the doctor would say. Fortunately, it turned out to be only minor bruising and Ania does not have to have her feet in the cast. Na pocieszenie babcia zabrała nas na lody.

Two weeks at the grandmother's very soon passed. Julia unfortunately had to rest and watch over her leg but together with Ania we kept her company. A year later when we visited the grandmother on vacation Julia decided to try again on roller skates. It was great and she still likes to ride.
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